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Very few Europeans travelled outside of Europe, and those who did were unlikely to write books about it. The books that were written all had to be copied by hand because there were no printing presses.

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because many people never left the place of their birth

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many people never left the place of their birth

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Q: Europe was slow to learn about the people in the new world because?
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In 1939 if there was approximately 2594600 Jews living in Nazi Europe where did the German got the rest of the Jews to be able to kill 6000000?

Your numbers are wrong. In 1933 approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represents more than 60% of the World's Jewish population at that time of an estimated 15.3 million. The majority of Jews in prewar Europe lived in Eastern Europe. The largest was Poland with about 3,000,000 Jews. In Central Europe the largest Jewish population was in Germany with about 525,000 people and Western Europe the largest population was in Great Britain with 300,000. Before the Nazi seizure in 1933 Europe had a diverse set of Jewish cultures. In less than a decade two out of every three Jews would be dead. I think you need to go learn the true the history of the holocaust because whoever told you the above numbers was wrong.

Why do people around the world have different ideas about how to govern themselves?

because every group of people have their own traditions

Much of Europe was destroyed in?

World War II

How did geographic characteristics of the northeast help people of the region to trade with other regions of the world?

The northeastern colonies all had ports that connected them to the Atlantic ocean, which was a clear path from Europe. As a result, trade ships from Europe carrying imports landed on the northeastern shores first, and American ships departing with exported goods had a clear path to Europe.

Modernization make us stanger or more vulnerable?

We are made stronger by our efforts and more vulnerable by our lack of effort, or hap hazard efforts. We are not stronger today because of modernization, modernization is a symptom of strong willed people. Reasonable people will conform to the world and it's constraints, unreasonable people will demand the world conform to their wishes. It is the unreasonable people who make comfort and expedience possible for reasonable people to enjoy. We are human and because we are we remain vulnerable to a cold and uncaring universe who patiently plots our destruction. I say let's modernize and learn how to manipulate this cold and uncaring universe to our own ends. What's the worse that can happen, the universe wins anyway?

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Europe was slow to learn about the people in the new world because .?

many people never left the place of their birth

Which is the best language to learn 'singing' in Europe?

The best language to learn singing in Europe is English because it is the world's most spoken language.

Why do people call Greece a western world?

It is called part of the Western World because it is located in Europe.

How many people in the world die of hunger each day in Europe?

At least Up to 2,000 people can die in europe of hunger because that state is very Poor.

Is German the toughest language in the world?

This would be strictly based on opinion. But most people of western societies find it harder to learn Asian languages because their system of language is not very similar to those that have their origin in Europe.

Why is a diary an effective way to learn about world war 2?

A diary is an effective way to learn about world war 2 because it describe about how the jewish people were in trouble

Why do the world needs tolerance?

The world needs tolerance, because the world needs peace. When people learn to tolerate others, it brings a type of understanding of those people.

How did the wood block printing affect Europe?

Ideas could be spread around the world and after books were printed, people could learn how to read. -Susan Kurihara

Igor Stravinsky had to leave Europe because of .?

Igor Stravinsky had to leave Europe because of World War II.

What was the condition of europe at the end of world war 2?

The condition was really bad because most of the soldiers were injured and many people in Europe were starving at the end of WW2.

Can non religious people use or learn from religious ideas to do with suffering?

not at allThey can only learn from religious ideas if they accept religion and practice them. I don't agree with that idea because people around the world have different religions and culture and they want to stick with their own believes then how come? non religious people use or learn from religious ideas. I am pretty sure its not impossible because nothing can be impossible in the world.

What can study the whole world?

There are many things and people who can study the whole world. Studying the entire world can be difficult because there is an unlimited amount of information to learn.