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Q: European colonial powers drew the boundaries of their African colonies without regard for Africa's many ethnic groups What effect did this have when African nations gained their independence?
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Which of the following describes the political state of Africa most of its European colonies gained their independence?

Its country was divided for colonial reasons.

How did colonies gain their independence from their European parent countries?

The colonies gained their independence by fighting revolutionary wars, therefore cutting the cord of dependence with the European crowns. Mainly, this was the thirteen colonies against the British Empire.

Why did America support Spanish colonies in their quest for independence?

America supported Spanish colonies in their quest for independence due to several reasons. First, they saw it as an opportunity to weaken their European rival, Spain. Second, American leaders were inspired by Enlightenment ideals of liberty and self-determination. Lastly, supporting the independence movements aligned with the Monroe Doctrine, which aimed to prevent European colonial expansion in the Western Hemisphere.

When did North America first have states?

The first governmental organizations of people descended from Europeans that were not colonial possessions of a European Nation were established in 1776 when the 13 English colonies declared their independence from England.

What was an affect of nationalism on European colonies in the 19th century?

Colonies began fighting to overthrow colonial control over their governments

What was colonial manufacturing?

Colonial manufacturing refers to goods produced in colonies. Many European colonies in the East were used as sites of manufacturing because the labor costs were lower in these countries.

How were the North American and Latin American revolutions similar?

Both saw colonies win their independence from European empires. Apex

Even before independence the Second Continental Congress encouraged the colonies to call or assemblies to replace their colonial charters with new constitutions?

This was something the Congress did call on the colonies to do. They wanted to re-examine their place as colonies and have the colonies' support to move toward independence.

Even before independence the Second Continental Congress encouraged the colonies to call or assemblies to replace their colonial charters with new constitutions.?

This was something the Congress did call on the colonies to do. They wanted to re-examine their place as colonies and have the colonies' support to move toward independence.

Patrick Henry was in favor of?

Patrick Henry was in favor of: colonial independence from Britain continued British rule of colonies additional debates on the subject of independence

Did the mercantilism theories cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies?

Mercantilism theories did not cause European nations to abandon their overseas colonies. Mercantilism, in fact, motivated colonial expansion and war.

When did the colonial times begin?

When European's started colonies in the Eastern U.S. in the early/mid 1600's.