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DUI. You would have a problem. Any alcohol in your system can get a DUI and the fact you are underage is another offense. If there is no drivers license add another check, but with a DUI most likely you will get a suspension on the license. Interesting fact is that most people don't think they are intoxicated when they are pulled over, but the breath test is proof they are. One beer or one wine will show intoxicated.

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"Underage DUI (driving under the influence) or DWI (driving while impaired), depending on the state's laws. It is illegal for individuals under 21 to operate a motor vehicle with any alcohol in their system, regardless of whether they are actually intoxicated."

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Q: Even if you are not intoxicated and you are under the age of 21 have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system operating a motor vehicle you may be charged with?
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What was Rodney King charged with on the night of his beating?

Rodney King was charged with speeding, driving while intoxicated, and refusing to obey a police order on the night of his beating.

In which situation would it be legal to sell a minor alcohol?

In no situation may a bartender or liquor store clerk sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, period. If the clerk knowingly does so, the establishment will be fined by the government, and the clerk will be arrested.

What is the BAC for a driver under the age of 21 in the state of Florida charged under the Zero-Tolerence Law?

In Florida, the Zero Tolerance Law applies to drivers under the age of 21, and it stipulates that a person under 21 years old can be charged with DUI if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.02% or higher while operating a motor vehicle. This is a lower threshold compared to the standard 0.08% BAC limit for drivers over 21.

Does Iowa have public intoxication law?

Yes, Iowa has a law against public intoxication. It is considered a misdemeanor offense and is defined as being intoxicated in a public place to the point where the person is a danger to themselves or others. Penalties for public intoxication in Iowa can include fines, probation, community service, or even jail time.

What does PAULA mean when you are charged with it in Iowa City Iowa?

PAULA stands for "Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age" and it is a charge given to individuals who are found in possession of alcohol under the legal drinking age in Iowa City, Iowa. This charge can lead to fines, community service, and possibly a suspension of driving privileges.

Related questions

What will you be charged with if you are not intoxicated and you are under the age of 21 and have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system while operating a motor vehicle?

Driving under the influence of alcohol by a minor

Even if you are not intoxicated and you are under the age of 21 and have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system while operating a motor vehicle you may be charged with?

Driving under the influence of alcohol by a minor

What does it mean to be charged with dwi?

A DWI conviction is given to someone who is operating a motor vehicle while having a blood alcohol level above 0.08 or being intoxicated. Intoxicated refers to being affected by any alcohol or substance that alters judgement and motor skills.

Can you drink alcohol on a boat in Alberta?

Not if you are operating the boat. You must be at anchor or docked. You can be charged with operating a boat under the influence.

How do you use intoxicated in a sentence?

My dad was charged with a DUI for driving while intoxicated.

Can a underage child get a public intox charge if he leaves the parents home drunk?

The child is underage and is intoxicated. They are in public, they can be charged if they are drunk. The source of alcohol, legal or not, is of no consequence.

What is the difference between DUI and dwi?

a DUI is when you are under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs and it stands for Driving Under the Influence; a DWI is when you are drunk while driving and it stands for Driving While Intoxicated. Both will end in highly priced fines and arrests. its best to be safe then sorry, don't drink and drive.----To better explain it, DUI is basically drinking and driving with a BAC under your states required level, and or/ under the influence or narcotics, or over the counter/prescription drugs. As a DWI is drinking and driving with a BAC over the limit. Expensive!The terms DUI and DWI are often used interchangeably. However, the correct term and associated definition depends on your state's specific statutes on driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or otherwise impaired. Certain states even refer to it as OVI (operating a vehicle while impaired), OUI (operating under the influence), OWI (operating while intoxicated), and so forth. The penalties associated with the offense differ from state to state, no matter what people call the criminal offense.

Can you be charged with intoxication if the officer refuses to give you a breathalyser?

Yes, many times the officers testimony or his vehicles dashcam supplies all the evidence necessary. Also, there is the fact that you could be intoxicated by something other than alcohol, in which case a breathalyzer test would be negative anyway.

What is the legal term for driving a car or other motor vehicle when you have a certain BAC or above?

In the US, depending on which state or jurisdiction you are in, it is called Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Some states use DUI as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In some jurisdictions, you can be charged with DWI or DUI even if your do not meet the Blood Alcohol Concentrations (BAC) levels for legal intoxication. In Canada the similar charge is Driving while Impaired (DWI).

Is it ok to drink alcohol at the age of 13?

No, you can be charged with underage use.

Can a minor be charged with furnishing alcohol to minors in pa?

yeah probably

What was Rodney King charged with on the night of his beating?

Rodney King was charged with speeding, driving while intoxicated, and refusing to obey a police order on the night of his beating.