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every girl scout meet their own fundraising goal.

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Q: Every Girl Scout met their own fundraising goal?
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Does this sentence have correct pronoun usage All the Girl Scouts met her own fundraising goal?

No, it should be All the Girl Scouts met their own fundraising goal

What is a Fundraising Goal?

A fundraising goal is the grand total you would like to receive from donors and/or sponsors - either for a specific event or for the year.

What if your school raised 125 of its fundraising goal. The school raised 6750. What was the goal?


What is the girl scout promise in Italy?

The girl Scout promise in Switzerland is very straight forward. I promise that I will do my best to live by the Scout Law. I ask God and my friends to help me reach this goal.

Is a sentence with the word surpass?

With just a few more donations, we will surpass our fundraising goal.

Can Girl Scout Brownies still earn Try-Its?

The goal is to have all Girl Scouts (GSUSA) to be participating in the national program - Leadership Journeys and The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting - by June 2012. Until then, Girl Scout Brownies may still earn the Try-Its, however, is is strongly suggested that troops check to see if the Try-Its (badges) are still available as all the discontinued insignia are no longer being manufactured. If your council's shop does not have them, try contacting other Girl Scout council shops.

Why are Girl Scout cookies only sold at a certain time of year?

The Girl Scout cookie sale is a learning experience for the girls. As they sell the cookies, girls develop five essential skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. The sale is limited so that the girls will also spend time on other activities, not just on cookie sales. Also, by only selling at a certain time of the year, interest in the cookie sale can be created each year. People ask Girl Scouts about when will they be around again to sell cookies.

What is a goal in a curriculum?

Every holes a goal!

When are the Girl Scout cookies on sale?

For Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), each Girl Scout council determines the dates of their cookie sale, however, most of them sell during the months of January through March. You can go to the Girl Scout Cookie Finder web site, enter your zip code, and find out if your local council is currently selling cookies.

What is the protagonist's goal in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The book is not about a protagonist attempting to reach a goal, it is about the protagonist (Scout) maturing and loosing her innocence to the world and how she and the people around her handle the changes they go through.

Has a hockey player ever scored a goal in every game for the season?

No, no NHL player has ever scored a goal in every game of the season.

What are the goals of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines?

The three official aims of the BSA are: 1) Growth in moral strength and character 2) Participating citizenship 3) Development in physical, mental, and emotional fitness Many involved in scouting because they believe it also teaches the values as exemplified by the scout law, leadership, self confidence and outdoorsmanship.