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Q: Every four hoursthe fast take liquids during?
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When do you stop eating meat at Easter time?

You don't fast during Easter. Catholics, Orthodox and some other Christians fast from meat during Lent: Catholics on Ash Wednesday and every Friday in Lent. Orthodox fast from meat every day during Lent. The Lenten fast ends on Holy Saturday night with the celebration of the Easter Vigil. The purpose of the fast is to discipline the body and focus on the spiritual life.

Does diffusion occur slow or fast?

Gases, Liquids, and then Solids.

Can you drink water when fasting?

Certainly. In fact, most liquids are considered allowable during a fast. Health complications can be cause fairly quickly if one doesn't maintian hydration at a safe level.

Do liquids diffuse fast of slow?

No. Diffusion is faster in gases.

Do we fast and do abstinence every day during Lent?

Fast and abstinence is required only on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday; all FRIDAYS are Abstinence only but fast is optional on all days of lent

Do you fast on hanukkah?

Fasting is prohibited during Hanukkah (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 18b).

Does sugar affect how fast liquids melt?

no beacsue density has nothing to do wit how fast something melts but in this case yes it will melt faster

Compare and contrast the properties of liquids and solids?

Solids are hard but liquids have no feeling. Solids have a shape but liquids do not.

How long sunnis fast for?

Moslems (a.k.a. Muslims) fast from sunrise to sunset every day during the month of Ramadan . Ramadan is an Islamic calender month, i.e a lunar month.

Do liquids have fast moving particles?

All atoms have fast moving electrons. The warmer it is the faster the electrons is moving. But at -273,15 Celsius, no movement can exist.

What beliefs are shared by nearly all Muslims?

Muslims must give to the poor and needy.Muslims must fast during Ramadan.

When do orthodox fast?

Orthodox Christians fast every Wednesday and Friday of the week from meat and dairy. During lent and Holy Week, they fast all 40 (plus seven more of Holy Week) days, again from meat and dairy. There are also certain fast days and fast periods throughout the year such as the Christmas Fast and the Apostles' Fast.