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/**************************//**********cReDo**********//********///C PROGRAM TO CONVERT GIVEN VALID INFIX EXPRESSION INTO POSTFIX EXPRESSION USING STACKS.#include#include#include#define MAX 20char stack[MAX];int top=-1;char pop();void push(char item);int prcd(char symbol){switch(symbol){case '+':case '-':return 2;break;case '*':case '/':return 4;break;case '^':case '$':return 6;break;case '(':case ')':case '#':return 1;break;}}int isoperator(char symbol){switch(symbol){case '+':case '-':case '*':case '/':case '^':case '$':case '(':case ')':return 1;break;default:return 0;}}void convertip(char infix[],char postfix[]){int i,symbol,j=0;stack[++top]='#';for(i=0;i{symbol=infix[i];if(isoperator(symbol)==0){postfix[j]=symbol;j++;}else{if(symbol=='(')push(symbol);else if(symbol==')'){while(stack[top]!='('){postfix[j]=pop();j++;}pop();//pop out (.}else{if(prcd(symbol)>prcd(stack[top]))push(symbol);else{while(prcd(symbol)<=prcd(stack[top])){postfix[j]=pop();j++;}push(symbol);}//end of else.}//end of else.}//end of else.}//end of for.while(stack[top]!='#'){postfix[j]=pop();j++;}postfix[j]='\0';//null terminate string.}void main(){char infix[20],postfix[20];clrscr();printf("Enter the valid infix string:\n");gets(infix);convertip(infix,postfix);printf("The corresponding postfix string is:\n");puts(postfix);getch();}void push(char item){top++;stack[top]=item;}char pop(){char a;a=stack[top];top--;return a;}//mail me:
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Q: Example program of how to convert infix notation to postfix notation and prefix notation?
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Why do compilers convert infix expressions to postfix?

people almost exclusively use infix notation to write mathematical expressions, computer languages almost exclusively allow programmers to use infix notation. However, if a compiler allowed infix expressions into the binary code used in the compiled version of a program, the resulting code would be larger than needed and very inefficient. Because of this, compilers convert infix expressions into postfix notation expressions, which have a much simpler set of rules for expression evaluation. Postfix notation gets its name from the fact that operators in a postfix expression follow the operands that they specify an operation on. Here are some examples of equivalent infix and postfix expressions Infix Notation Postfix Notation 2 + 3 2 3 + 2 + 3 * 6 3 6 * 2 + (2 + 3) * 6 2 3 + 6 * A / (B * C) + D * E - A - C A B C * / D E * + A C * - Where as infix notation expressions need a long list or rules for evaluation, postfix expressions need very few.

Algorithm to convert postfix notation into infix notation?

/**************************//**********cReDo**********//********///C PROGRAM TO CONVERT GIVEN VALID INFIX EXPRESSION INTO POSTFIX EXPRESSION USING STACKS.#include#include#include#define MAX 20char stack[MAX];int top=-1;char pop();void push(char item);int prcd(char symbol){switch(symbol){case '+':case '-':return 2;break;case '*':case '/':return 4;break;case '^':case '$':return 6;break;case '(':case ')':case '#':return 1;break;}}int isoperator(char symbol){switch(symbol){case '+':case '-':case '*':case '/':case '^':case '$':case '(':case ')':return 1;break;default:return 0;}}void convertip(char infix[],char postfix[]){int i,symbol,j=0;stack[++top]='#';for(i=0;iprcd(stack[top]))push(symbol);else{while(prcd(symbol)

What is an Program compilation?

That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.

How do you convert an exe file HTML?

An exe is an executable file, which is a program. You cannot convert a program into a web page. They are two completely different kinds of things. You can have a link in a web page to a program, but that is all.

How do you write a c program to convert binary to decimal by using while statement?

write a c++ program to convert binary number to decimal number by using while statement

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Why do compilers convert infix expressions to postfix?

people almost exclusively use infix notation to write mathematical expressions, computer languages almost exclusively allow programmers to use infix notation. However, if a compiler allowed infix expressions into the binary code used in the compiled version of a program, the resulting code would be larger than needed and very inefficient. Because of this, compilers convert infix expressions into postfix notation expressions, which have a much simpler set of rules for expression evaluation. Postfix notation gets its name from the fact that operators in a postfix expression follow the operands that they specify an operation on. Here are some examples of equivalent infix and postfix expressions Infix Notation Postfix Notation 2 + 3 2 3 + 2 + 3 * 6 3 6 * 2 + (2 + 3) * 6 2 3 + 6 * A / (B * C) + D * E - A - C A B C * / D E * + A C * - Where as infix notation expressions need a long list or rules for evaluation, postfix expressions need very few.

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Sample program of postfix to infix?

You can convert from postfix to infix through the use of stacks. Consider the following expression conversion:54+67*+ -> ((5+4)+(6*7))The way this can be achieved is that whenever you encounter an operator, pop the last two expressions and join them using the operator. Remember to include the open braces before the first expression and a close braces after the second expression. Check the given link below for the program:

Algorithm to convert postfix notation into infix notation?

/**************************//**********cReDo**********//********///C PROGRAM TO CONVERT GIVEN VALID INFIX EXPRESSION INTO POSTFIX EXPRESSION USING STACKS.#include#include#include#define MAX 20char stack[MAX];int top=-1;char pop();void push(char item);int prcd(char symbol){switch(symbol){case '+':case '-':return 2;break;case '*':case '/':return 4;break;case '^':case '$':return 6;break;case '(':case ')':case '#':return 1;break;}}int isoperator(char symbol){switch(symbol){case '+':case '-':case '*':case '/':case '^':case '$':case '(':case ')':return 1;break;default:return 0;}}void convertip(char infix[],char postfix[]){int i,symbol,j=0;stack[++top]='#';for(i=0;iprcd(stack[top]))push(symbol);else{while(prcd(symbol)

What is an Program compilation?

That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.

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There are many programs out there that could help you with this. One for example, is DVD Video Soft. This program can convert any music or video files into your preferred file type.

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How do you convert an exe file HTML?

An exe is an executable file, which is a program. You cannot convert a program into a web page. They are two completely different kinds of things. You can have a link in a web page to a program, but that is all.

What is the name of the application that lets you arrange musical notes and play it?

A notation program.