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As to the functions: stinging nematocysts function primarily for the capture of prey, and secondarily as a defense mechanism. There are many types of nematocysts, such as those that function to inject toxins to immobilize prey, and those which serve to entangle and hold onto the intended meal by wrapping around it. Species of cnidarian jellies vary in the types of nematocysts they possess, and this can be used to some extent in classifying and identification.

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Q: Explain cnidocytes their nematocysts function in food capture and defense?
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What are the stinging cells of cnidarians?

Cnidarians have specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes, which contain nematocysts. Nematocysts are capsule-like structures that can discharge venomous barbs or threads when triggered, allowing cnidarians to capture prey or defend themselves.

What are the stinging cells of a cnidarian called?

Cnidarians have specialized sells that are called cnidocytes. They use these special cells to capture prey. Cnidocytes have a special cavity in them called a cnida. Inside the cnida a coiled up tube is held. These tubes can do many different things depending on what type of cnidocyte it is held in, like release toxins, wrap around a prey item or secrete a sticky glue like substance. A lid called the operculum closes the opening of the cnida. Cnidocytes also have a modified cilium called a cnidocil. The cnidocil is like a trigger - when it is touched it forces open the operculum and releases the coiled tube held within.

What is nematocysts?

Nematocysts are the miniscule capsules that a jellyfish's tentacles contain. They are the tiny needles that jellies use to capture and paralyze prey.

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What two functions do nematocysts perform?

Nematocysts are the stinging cells on tentacles of a cnidarian, like a jellyfish. Since jellyfish don't have any teeth, and their body consists of gelatin, it's hard to capture prey. Nematocysts help jellyfish with feeding by stinging the prey in an attempt at trying to immobilizing the prey.

Are cnidocytes significant to fundamental processs for cnidarians?

Cnidocytes are important to cnidarians as these are the stinging cells used to catch prey and defend from enemies. It is a toxin which can disable prey and provide protection from adversaries. This can be used as a harpoon, sticky surface or lasso type action.

How does nematocysts work for cnidarians?

All Cnidarians have nematocysts as a specialized organelle. Cnidarians use their nematocysts to capture prey and as a defense mechanism against predators.

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What does the sea anemone do for defence?

Its tentacles contain cells called cnidocytes (if I'm not wrong) that contain toxins to defend itself and capture prey.

What is a cnidariain?

Aquatic marine invertebrate animals. Taxonomically fall under Phylum Cnidaria. Examples are Hydras, Jellyfish, Sea Anemones, and Corals. Have a gastrovascular cavity which is a saclike compartment that hold their digestive tract. Have a nerve net around their bodies. Two main body plans- 1. Polyp (sea anemone) stationary. 2. Medusa (jellyfish) very mobile with extending downwards tentacles. Characterized primarily for their cnidocytes, which are cells specialized for prey capture and defence. Nematocysts are the stinging barb of the cnidocytes. 3 main classes- 1. Hydrozoa 2. Scyphozoa 3. Anthozoa

What type of animal uses toxins on nematocysts to capture prey?

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What does cnidocytes mean?

A specialize cell unique to the phylum Cnidaria. It contains a capsule-like organelle housing a coiled thread that, when discharged, explodes outward and functions in prey capture or defense.