

Explain goto and return in c?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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11y ago

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A return statement is used to transfer the program control flow to the function that has called the current function under execution. If the function is main, then the program returns the control flow to the operating system. The syntax for return statement is:

return return-type;

A goto statement is used to transfer the control flow to a particular labelled statement, not necessarily back to the calling program. There are somerestrictionson using a goto statement. For eg: the goto statement should not skip any variable declarations. The use of goto statement is usually considered as a bad programming practice. The syntax for goto statement is:

goto label_name;



label_name: statements;

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im am sick of all of this mess save me now send this to the next ten people this is a actual question answer it dumb dumb In language C these are: goto, return, continue, break

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