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Q: Explain how bacterial cells can function without a nucleus?
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how bacterial cells can function without a nucleus.?

They can't, you stupid freak!

A cell would function without a nucleus explain your answer?

Most bacteria don't have a nucleus and they function using free floating DNA within the cell.

Do animals have a cell nucleus?

Yes, they have a nucleus. Without a nucleus, cells wouldn't be able to function, and that means we wouldn't be able to function, which means all animals would be dead if their cells didn't have a nucleus. The only animal cell without a nucleus is the red blood cell.

Could the cell function without the nucleus?

probably not.

A cell that has a nucleus?

Basically any cell; without a nucleus how will the cell know its function?

Do you think a cell would function without a nucleus?

A cell wouldn't survive without a nucleus because that is where the DNA is. If a cell doesn't have genetic material it cannot reproduce properly.

What is a statement that explain why the nucleus is important to cells?

A nucleus is the brain of a cell. Without it. It would be just like us without a brain

Why want a cell function without a nucleus?

mental loksik

How are the function of prokaryotes cells controlled without a nucleus?

The nucleus's main function is to hold the DNA. Prokaryotic cells do have the DNA but it is not surrounded by a membrane that separates it from the rest of the cell so the DNA just floats around in the region called nucleiod instead of being confined inside a nucleus.

What would happen if the nucleus didn't have genetic materials?

A cell cannot function without genetic material (with the exception of red blood cells, which do function without genetic material - all they have to do is to contain hemoglobin and float in the blood as it circulates). However, in organisms called prokaryotes the genetic information is not present in the nucleus but in the cytoplasm. This is possible because their genetic material is very simple and does not need the nucleus to protect it from harm.

Is there a part a cell can live without?

Even though bacteria have no nucleus, they still have to have the DNA in the nucleus of more advance cells. Cells have developed to have all the parts that they need to function, so they must have all.

Explain you how you can impliment programme in c language without main function?

You can't. If you have no main function, then there is no entry point to your code and it cannot be executed. Code without a main function is essentially a library. In MS Windows, GUI mode, you don't have to have main function. (WinMain is used instead).