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Q: Explain how characteristics of an organism help it survive in a desert?
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How does characteristics of an organism help it survive in a desert?

Depending on the example you are given, it would be something along the lines of a camel has fat stores as food is sparse to it must have an energy store

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What abiotic organism needs the desert to survive?

There is no such thing as an 'abiotic organism.' Abiotic means 'non living.' Organism means something living. Abiotic organism is an oxymoron.

What characteristics should an animal have to survive the desert?

good doer able to live with out water for a period of time

Could any organism on earth survive in the desert?

Yes of course, there are Scorpians, Lizards, many type of beatle and even gerbils that live in the desert.

What organism takes away trash from the desert?

The only organism that puts trash in the desert is a human. The only organism that can remove trash from the desert is another human.

Can corn survive in the desert?

With sufficient water, yes, corn will survive in the desert.

Can people survive in the Libyan Desert?

Ye, people can and do survive in the Libyan Desert.

How can young survive in desert?

young is able to survive in desert because he live in a cage

How do desert fox survive in desert?

they stoopid

What are the characteristics of a habitat?

Characteristics of desert plant