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Q: Explain how scientists can learn about the evolution?
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How might the theory of evolution be used by scientists in their studies?

to explain the relationship

What two major developments helped scientists explain the fossil record?

The principle of fossil succession and the theory of evolution have helped scientists explain the fossil record.

What are the main mechanisms used by secular scientists to explain evolution?

All educated and not ideologically blinded scientists explain evolution by three primary mechanisms. Genetic drift, gene flow and natural selection.I have the feeling you do not know what secular means.

What knowledge did Darwin lack that modern scientists now use to explain evolution?

Modern scientists now use genetics to help explain the theory of natural selections.

How do you explain in brief the evolution of computer?

explain in brief the evolution of the computer

Why do scientists classify?

to sort things Also to help themselves learn about them, and evolution. maybe to let themselves grasp the diversity of it all.

What did scientists learn about it?

Scientists learn a few different things. Scientists learn new things very day.

How do modern scientists explain the changes within species that can lead to evolution?

Evolution is a slow, slow process which enacts itself over many generations. Species evolve to adapt to environments and to survive, which makes evolution the mechanism through which "survival of the fittest" succeeds as a natural order.

How do scientists tests ideas about chemical evolution?

Scientists test ideas about chemical evolution by using computer models.

Do any qualified scientists support evolution?

The vast majority of scientists support evolution. There is no longer any debate in the scientific community about whether evolution occurs, only the mechanisms in which evolution acts upon is debated.

What do scientists think about the theory of evolution?

The overwhelming majority of scientists accept the theory of evolution by natural selection. Any scientists that do not accept the theory usually do so for religious reasons.

Are there other theories that explain the same event as evolution theory?

No, there are no other theories but the theory of evolution by natural selection that explain so much about evolution.