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This is when the Moon and Sun are either together in the sky or are on opposite sides of the heavens. Higher tides occur during these Moon phases because the Sun also exerts a gravitational pull on our oceans, although it is only 46 percent as strong as the Moon's. When the gravitational effects of the Sun and the Moon combine, we get spring tides, which have nothing to do with the season of spring. The term refers to the action of the seas springing out and then springing back. These are times of high high tides and low low tides. A week later, during either of the two quarter Moon phases, when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to each other and their tidal influences partially cancel each other out, neap tides occur, and the tidal range is minimal. In fact, because the oceans take a bit of time to catch up to the geometry of the Moon, spring and neap tides usually occur about a day after the respective lunar cycles.

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Q: Explain the difference between a neap tide and a spring tide?
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What the difference between neap and spring tide?

neap tides are moderate tides at normal rates while spring tides are more extereme ex to high or to low .

Is the greatest difference between low and high tides occurs during a neap tide?

both spring tides and neap tides have a 20% difference from normal tides

What is the tied called that has the smallest difference between low and high tides?

spring tide

What are the meaning of neap lid es from spring lid es?

I think you mean tides. Neap tide is the smallest difference high-low tide and spring tide is the largest.

What is the difference between the highest and lowest tides during a neap tide?

A neap tide happens during the quarter phase of the moon and they are weak tides. There is a very small difference between high and low tides during this time.

What is the difference between high water and low water during spring tide and neap tide?

Spring tides, when the Moon is full or new, are higher than average, while neap tides when the Moon is at one of the quarters has lower than average tides.

What is the difference between high water and low water during spring tides and neap tide?

Spring tides, when the Moon is full or new, are higher than average, while neap tides when the Moon is at one of the quarters has lower than average tides.

What a neap tide low or high?

No, it's not either of those things. A neap tide is when the difference between low tide and high tide is at a minimum. They occur roughly twice a month, when the moon is at first or third quarter. When the moon is new or full, you get the opposite of a neap tide, a "spring tide", when the difference between low tide and high tide as at a maximum.

What tide is bigger a neap tide or a spring tide?

Spring :]

From what is known about spring tides and neap tides you can conclude that?

Neap tide is the lowest but not of good advantage for an oceanographers like spring tide

How many days apart are neap tides and spring tides?

Neap and spring tides are about 7 days apart.

What is the difference between spring tide and neap tide?

Spring tides are formed by the constructive interference of bulges created by the moon and sun. Spring tides occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned. Neap tides are formed by the destructive interference of bulges created by the moon and sun. Neap tides occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align to make a right angle. Spring tides are therefore larger than neap tides, new moons and full moons occur in the spring tide but the 1st qauter of the moon and 3rd quarter of the moon occur in neap tides... tupac