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Q: Explain the similarities and difference between physical weathering and chemical weathering?
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Explain the difference between chemical and physical weathering?

Chemical weathering is which makes new substances, whereas physical weathering is where rock is changed into smaller pieces of the same substance.

What similarities between physical and chemical weathering?

they both break down stuff into fragments.p.s : this is the right answer.

What is the difference between physical and chemical weathering change?

chemical weathering change will most likely make a new substance

Is abrasion physical weathering or chemical weathering?

it is physical weathering

Are chemicals from plants physical or chemical weathering?

Is chemicals from plants chemical weathering or physical weathering

Is weathering a physical or chemical change?

physical change

What is different between physical weathering and chemical weathering?

Physical weathering is breaking down of rocks by weather that does not change their chemical components. Chemical weathering is weathering that breaks rocks down by a chemical change.

Is a road way is a physical weathering or chemical weathering?


Is fog a physical or chemical weathering?

Fog is a chemical weathering.

How do physical weathering and chemical weathering affect rocks in the same way.?

Physical weathering and chemical weathering both break down rocks.

How are physical weathering and chemical weathering alike?

how are physical weathering and chenical weathering alike and different

What are differences and similarities between physical and chemical weathering?

go to to understand what it is.