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Q: Explain three editors found in unix operating system?
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What is found in a GUI operating system?

A GUI operating system is an extremely complex system that your mom is usually found inside.

What are the main features of the Open Home operating system?

The Open Home operating system does not exist and no results can be found for it. The main operating systems are Windows, Linux and Mac OS. An open home operating system may be a computer without an operating system.

On which OS msconfig can it be found?

MSConfig can be found in Microsoft's Windows operating system.

What is an operating system patch?

An operating system is made up of many pieces of code, sometimes "bugs" or errors are found to exist in bits of this code. Once these have been found, they are then corrected and a replacement for the code is sent out "as a patch" to people who have the operating system installed.

What underlying software is found on all computers?

The operating system.

What could cause a computer to display operating system could not be found?

Either the hard-drive has been wiped - or the path to the operating system is wrong.

What can one do when the operating system is not found?

There are many options one can take when the operating system is not found. Once can try using a boot disk to try and fix the system, or one can attempt to recover the disk by taking it to a computer repair specialist.

Why PC sometimes shows operating system not found?

Because PC's are rubbish

What are the kinds of Linux operating system errors?

There aren't any errors specific to Linux. Linux has the same types of bugs found in every other operating system.

What are the main functions of the operating systems?

Without an operating system, a computer would not operate, and a blank screen with a message (something like) system not found, would be the result.

What are the different editions found in windows server operating system family?

wats e answer???????

Which problems result in messages about the operating system not being displayed?

The hard drive is not found