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After neurotransmitters are released in to the synaptic cleft - from the presynaptic neuron, they bind with there specific receptor cites found on the postsynaptic neurons cell membrane. Some neurotransmitters then become inactive by enzymes whiles other simply drift away from the synaptic cleft. Reuptake can also occur where the presynaptic neuron sponges up (or takes back) the remaining neurotransmitters left behind.

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Q: Explain what happens to neurotransmitters after they are released?
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Neurotransmitters released by 1 nerve cell are received by another neuron. The receptor of a postsynaptic neuron receives the neurotransmitters.

Explain how neurotransmitters affect behavior?

Neurotransmitters can directly or indirectly affect behavior. It influences neurons in a specific portion of the brain. Any abnormal level in neurotransmitters can lead to mental disorders.

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When neurotransmitters communicate an inhibitory message to the postsynaptic neuron:

What happens when the impulses reaches the axon terminal?

Neurotransmitters are released and go into the synaptic cleft.

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Where are neurotransmitters released by neurons?

The axon terminal, into a synapse.

How do Presynaptic neurons release neurotransmitters?

They don't, the neurotransmitters stay on either side of the synapse. Neurotransmitters are released when the synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic neuron's membrane, so as to release them into the synaptic cleft.

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