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Relate the glorious revolution of 1688 to the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution. What did they have in common?

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Q: Explain why antifederalist opposed ratification of constitution?
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Who are the opponents of the ratification of the constitution?


What opposed the ratification of the constitution?


Opposed the ratification of the Constitution.?


What group opposed ratification of the constitution?


What do you call a federalist that is against the ratification of the US Constitution?

Federalists were for the ratification of the Constitution. Those who opposed such ratification were called Anti-Federalists or Confederalists.

What was the term for people opposed to the ratification of the constitution?


The Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they?

The Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they were against increasing the power of the national government.

People who opposed ratification of the constitution were called?


Those who opposed the ratification of the constitution?

th Anti-Federalist

Which group favorite the ratification of Constitution?

The Federalist favored ratification of the newly drafted Constitution. Those that opposed the United States Constitution were known as the Anti-Federalist.

Who is considered the leading Antifederalist?

There were several antifederalists. Jefferson was considered the leading antifederalist. Other antifederalists include Patrick Henry and George Mason. Antifederalists opposed the constitution.

What party names were given to those who favored ratification and to those who opposed ratification of the us constitution?

Ratification- Federalist Anti-ratification- anti-federalist