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Levels would be higher in the morning because plants need light to convert CO2 to O2 and carbon. If you have a heater running on fossil fuel, you may also have an exhaust leak or crack in your exchanger. The heater would run more at night. What type of level changes are we talking about?

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Q: Explain why carbon dioxide levels would be high in a greenhouse full of plants just before dawn?
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What is carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. It also causes global warming.

Explain why carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas.?

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs infrared radiation, traps heat in the atmosphere, and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases.

How is cabron dixiode related to the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide helps the greenhouse in one way. Plants in the greenhouse needs carbon dioxide to grow.

What is carbon dioxide known as?

Greenhouse gas.

Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is known as?

Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas which cause global warming.

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The chemical name of a greenhouse gas that contains carbon and oxygen is carbon dioxide.

Does the greenhouse effect increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

No. The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm. Extra carbon dioxide added to it is causing global warming.

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Carbon dioxide as we know is a greenhouse gas. It causes greenhouse effect. That effect causes depletion of ozone.

Is the main atmospheric gas responsible for the greenhouse effect carbon dioxide?

The normal greenhouse effect which keeps the earth warm enough for life is caused largely by water vapour, with a small effect from carbon dioxide and methane.However, the greenhouse gas responsible for the present enhanced greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide, yes.

Does carbon dioxide increase the greenhouse effect?

Yes. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. When we increase its atmospheric concentration, as we do by burning fossil fuels, it causes an enhanced greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.

What effect does carbon dioxide contribute to?

The Greenhouse effect.