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You negotiate because (and only when) your personal goals depend on the cooperation of other people. Thus, you negotiate because it gives you an opportunity to increase your present situation. A trade-union negotiates to improve the working conditions of employees, a country negotiates with another to receive more favourable trade discounts, and a buyer negotiates with a seller to get a cheaper price for the product.

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What is an example sentence using the word negotiate?

We will negotiate a new price.The United Kingdom does not negotiate with terrorists.The two people began to negotiate and try to reach a compromise.

How do i negotiate Financial hardship for auto lease payments?

The only thing you can do is talk to the dealer and explain your situation.

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You negotiate a trade with them.

What is the nature of a manager's job?

The nature of a manager's job is to negotiate with people.

Do people negotiate?

Yes unless they belong to a union then they just strike to get what they want.

How do you write a sentence using the word negotiate?

She had to negotiate with the landlord to lower the rent.

Why do people negotiate?

People negotiate to try to get a more positive outcome... either more salary, or a cheaper price, or a bargain they can be happier with. Not everyone negotiates, but if two people are close to agreement and there is just a little bit standing in the way, sometimes it can work out best for everyone.

Present past future perfect tense of negotiate?

Present: negotiate Past: negotiated Future: will negotiate Perfect: have negotiated

Does the us negotiate with terrorists?

No the US does not negotiate with terrorists.

What is a sentence using the word negotiate?

i had to negotiate with your teacher.

What part of speech is negotiate?

If you mean 'negotiate, it is a verb

How much of a discount should you get when paying cash for a car?

You should negotiate the same way for a vehicle whether you are paying cash or getting a loan. You should always try to get the lowest price and then explain your payment method to the salesperson. When paying cash, try to at least negotiate a 10 to 20 percent discount.