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Q: Explain why some british politicians thought it would be good for Great Britain to keep the colonies?
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What geographically separated Great Britain from 13 British Colonies?

The Atlantic Ocean separates Great Britain from America and the thirteen British colonies

How many british colonies exist today?

Britain no longer has any colonies

Which war resulted from objections in the original thirteen colonies to british mercantilism?

the answer is the war between great Britain and the british colonies

What A different between government in Britain and government in colonies America was that the colonies?

were not represented in the british parliament

What was a major difference between Britain's colonies in the South Pacific and its colonies in India?

They were more attractive to immigrants from Great Britain.

What religion is most common in former british colonies?

Most former british colonies are still Christian. Much hasn't changed in most of the colonies that were under Britain rule.

What European colony colonized Nigeria?

Both of these regions were BRITISH colonies.

Explain the significance of British settlement in the West Indies for the mainland colonies?

well, this was a time of Gold for the British

Why did some colonies stayed loyal to the british?

Some people thought this so that the colonies would be provided for by Britain

Which continent did the British empire have colonies in?

It is the Northern Americas which Britain occupied the most.

Did Great Britain rule the colonists in the 1700'S?

=Great Britain almost entirely ruled the colonies in the 1700s.=

In what ways were the colonies already developing independence from Britain?

The colonies wanted the same rights that British citizens had. They decided to govern themselves and eventually wanted to separate from Britain.