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The sun emits pretty much all frequencies (colors) of light, and it appears white when viewed from space (like in orbit around earth). That energy consists of high frequency (blue and violet) light and low frequency (yellow and red) light as well as the rest of the spectrum in between. What actually happens is that the higher frequency light is much more likely to be scattered in the atmosphere than lower frequency light. Scattering is the term applied to the light when it is absorbed by an air molecule and then re-emitted in a random direction. This means that the violet and blue light is much more scattered than the lower frequencies. And the light that reaches our eyes directly from the sun has had violets, blues and greens "scattered out" of it. The reds, Oranges and yellows are the frequencies that we see looking directly at the sun, and this is why it has its characteristic color.

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Q: Explain why the sun emits white light although it is yellow in colour?
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What colors and all colors is the the sun?

The frequency of the light depicts the colour of light we see.The sun emits light on many different frequencies including that of every single colour and also invisible frequencies like ultra-violet, microwave, infra-red etc.When the visible light from the sun is examined, the light peaks at the frequency for yellow meaning the sun emits more yellow than all other colours. But it still emits all these other colours as well. Since the light is not exactly even amongst all colours then it makes the sun not white but yellow. This is why our sun is called a Yellow Dwarf Star.But it is pretty close to being white and if our eyes went and saw it in space without protection it would be so bright that we wouldn't be able to tell whether it was actually white or yellow. We need devices to detect the light for us and properly examine it to be able to tell that it is actually yellow.It is our atmosphere and the angle of the sun in the sky that sometimes makes it more orangey or reddish.

The Sun emits its most intense radiation as?

While the sun emits all types of light, from radio waves, to gamma rays the most intense type of light (electromagnetic radiation) is yellow light.

What color is the sun actually?

The sum emits light on many different frequencies including that of all colours and also invisible frequencies like ultra-violet, microwave etc.When the visible light from the sun is examined, the light peaks at the frequency for yellow meaning the sun emits more yellow than all other colours. Since the light is not even amongst all colours then it makes the sun not white but yellow. Kind of like a classic light-bulb.This is why our sun is called a Yellow Dwarf Star.

The sun emits its greatest intensity of radiation in?

The sun emits its greatest intensity of radiation in a spectral region. The spectral region the sun's radiation emits to is the visible region of the spectrum.

What is the color of the sun outside the atmosphere of the earth?

The sun looks nearly white from space. The way sunlight is absorbed and scattered in the atmosphere give us both the blue sky and the yellow (noon) to red (sunset) solar colours we perceive, as well as the limitations and optimisations of the rods and cones in our eyes. The sun also emits a lot of radiation in colours we can't see, for example infra red and ultra violet wavelengths. The colour of a star is determined by its temperature.

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What colors and all colors is the the sun?

The frequency of the light depicts the colour of light we see.The sun emits light on many different frequencies including that of every single colour and also invisible frequencies like ultra-violet, microwave, infra-red etc.When the visible light from the sun is examined, the light peaks at the frequency for yellow meaning the sun emits more yellow than all other colours. But it still emits all these other colours as well. Since the light is not exactly even amongst all colours then it makes the sun not white but yellow. This is why our sun is called a Yellow Dwarf Star.But it is pretty close to being white and if our eyes went and saw it in space without protection it would be so bright that we wouldn't be able to tell whether it was actually white or yellow. We need devices to detect the light for us and properly examine it to be able to tell that it is actually yellow.It is our atmosphere and the angle of the sun in the sky that sometimes makes it more orangey or reddish.

Is color a property of an object?

Yes. The colour of an object is determined by what frequenc(y/ies) of electromagnetic wave it emits in the visible spectrum. The colour of an object is a physical property of that object.

The Sun emits its most intense radiation as?

While the sun emits all types of light, from radio waves, to gamma rays the most intense type of light (electromagnetic radiation) is yellow light.

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the bright color of yellow/ neon yellow or any lightest color you can find.

What elements make up the neon color blue?

pure neon emits the colour blue, so there is no need to add anything else

What color is the sun actually?

The sum emits light on many different frequencies including that of all colours and also invisible frequencies like ultra-violet, microwave etc.When the visible light from the sun is examined, the light peaks at the frequency for yellow meaning the sun emits more yellow than all other colours. Since the light is not even amongst all colours then it makes the sun not white but yellow. Kind of like a classic light-bulb.This is why our sun is called a Yellow Dwarf Star.

Why does sun emits radiations?

Radiation just means light, but in all frequencies (instead of just the ones we can see with our eyes). The sun emits radiation as a biproduct (side effect) of fusion. I am not patient enough to try and explain fusion:) Wiki it

What is the color neon made of?

Neon in itself does not refer to a colour, but might refer to a kind of colour, like "neon-green", or "neon-pink", etc. This colour is often emitted by the gas "Neon", being the namesake of this highly saturated strain of colour. Neon gas emits this kind of light when electrified. Hope that helped!

Why is the statement the color of an object depends on the wavelengths of light it absords inaccurate?

...because the colour of an object depends on the wavelength of light it reflects, or the wavelength of light it emits.