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Q: Exponential growth and decay functions are written in standard form as Ft equals A0 bkt where A0 is an initial amount k is the growth rate and t is?
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What is 300.235800 in standard exponential notation?

300.235800 is written as: 3.002358e+2

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James Geer has written: 'Exponentially accurate approximations to piece-wise smooth periodic functions' -- subject(s): Approximation, Exponential functions, Fourier series, Periodic functions

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Negative numbers cannot be written in exponential notation. The rules require the number to be between 1.0-9.9.

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'Standard form' is also sometimes called 'scientific notation' or 'exponential notation'.343,830 in standard form can be written as: 3.4383 × 105

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What is exponential notation form?

Exponential notation (more commonly known as scientific notation) is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation.In exponential notation, all numbers are written as a × 10b, where the exponent b is an integer, and the coefficient a is any real number.For example, three hundred in standard decimal notation is written as 300; however, it is written as 3 × 102 in exponential notation.i am sorry if you are reading this but i think this is wrong from all that i have learned exponential notation is nothing like scientific notation

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Why is it necessary to write final answer in scientific notation or exponential manner?

It is not always necessary. Scientific notation (also called standard form or exponential notation) is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation.