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Q: Extrapyramidal motor pathway
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Related questions

What motor pathway is primarily concerned with automatic control of body parts for coordination?

Extrapyramidal pathway

What do the neurons of the motor pathway control?

Motor pathway neurons control your motor skills such as walking, running, lifting your arm.

What does extrapyramidal mean?

relating to or denoting nerves concerned with motor activity that descend from the cortex to the spine and are not part of the pyramidal system.

What does Machado-Joseph disease involve?

The disease involves the slow and progressive degeneration of brain areas involved in motor coordination, such as the cerebellar, extrapyramidal, pyramidal, and motor areas

What is a contralateral pathway?

A contralateral motor pathway is a neutral pathway located at the opposite side of the brain. It is on the eighth nerve of the cochlear nucleus.

What is the neurotransmitter in a somatic motor pathway?


What are the functions of motor cortex?

Pre central gyrus has got the motor cortex. Through this area you get the initiation of final motor pathway.

What is the first motor neuron in an autonomic pathway called?

preganglionic neuron

What is a parasympathetic motor pathway?

Most of the parasympathetic motor pathway goes through oculomotor, facial, glassopharyngeal and vagus nerve. They are third, seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves. There is sacral out flow also.

What is the stimulus-response pathway involving a sensory neuron and a motor neuron?

Please see:What_happens_at_the_level_of_the_neuron_starting_with_stimulus_and_ending_with_a_response

The motor pathway of the autonomic nervous system usually involves how many neurons?


What type of nuerons conduct nerve impulses along an efferent pathway?

Motor neurons