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Q: The motor pathway of the autonomic nervous system usually involves how many neurons?
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The simplest pathway of an inpulse is what?

A simple reflex arc that only involves two neurons; these are usually found in the digestive system.

What are the four major elements of a simple nervous pathway?

Sensory receptor, afferent neuron, efferent neuron, effector organ.

Why are lower motor neurons referred as the finals pathway?

Lower motor neurons are referred to as the final pathway because they are the last stage in the neural circuitry that conveys motor commands from the central nervous system to the muscles. They directly innervate the muscles and are responsible for initiating muscle contraction and generating movement.

What do the neurons of the motor pathway control?

Motor pathway neurons control your motor skills such as walking, running, lifting your arm.

What is autonomic motor neurons?

a nerve cell forming part of a pathway along which impulses pass from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland.

What is a neuron serving as part of the conduction pathway between sensory and motor neurons?

Interneurons are neurons found within the central nervous system (primarily the brain or spinal cord) that connect sensory (afferent) neurons to motor (efferent) neurons. Often these neurons are part of a polysynaptic reflex arc.interneurons. They are also called association neurons.

Drugs act on the neurons in the reward pathway or the?

Drugs act on the neurons in the limbic system.

What is the first motor neuron in an autonomic pathway called?

preganglionic neuron

What is the most simple nervous system pathway?

The reflex arc is the simplest neural circuit.

How nerve impulsive are transmitted from the receptor to central nervous system to effectors?

Nerve impulses are transmitted from the receptor to the central nervous system via sensory neurons. In the central nervous system, the impulse is processed and may be relayed to motor neurons that carry the impulse to effectors such as muscles or glands to produce a response. This pathway allows for communication and coordination between different parts of the body.

Nerve pathway between the brain and other parts of the body?

The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and all of the nerves in your body. Your nervous system detects and responds to changes inside and outside your body. First the nervous system receives information about the environment or other parts of the body. Then it interprets the information. Finally, it responds to information.

What type of nuerons conduct nerve impulses along an efferent pathway?

Motor neurons