

What is autonomic motor neurons?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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  1. a nerve cell forming part of a pathway along which impulses pass from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland.
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13y ago

innervates smooth muscle,cardiac muscle and glands

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Autonomic ganglia contain the cell bodies of motor neurons.

Anterior root of the spinal cord is composed of?

The anterior root is composed of nerve fibers responsible for motor activity (i.e. efferent nerve fibers that will stimulate muscles, etc.). I think some of the things it is composed of include:Gamma motor neurons, alpha motor neurons, preganglionic autonomic neurons

Can atomic neurons be sensory or afferent neurons?

I believe you mean autonomic neurons (part of the ANS) and yes, they can be sensory neurons. Sensory neurons are the same as afferent neurons--meaning they carry signals towards the CNS. Think as afferent as 'approaching'. Anyhow, these neurons sense the conditions of your visceral organs and whatnot. Other wise it would have no information to judge for what signals to send. So yes, autonomic neurons consist of both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons.

One important difference between autonomic neurons and somatic neurons is the presence of?

Autonomic neurons control signals to and from the brain to smooth and cardiac. Whereas Somatic neurons control the signals to and from the skeletal system and brain.

Which autonomic neurons release norepinephrine as a neurotransmitte?

Sympathetic postganglionic neurons release norepinephrine,

A knee-jerk reflex employs motor neurons and what?

it employs sensory and motor neurons

What are Neurons that conduct impulses to the cardiac muscles?

Motor neurons are the neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glandular epithelial tissue. These types of nerves are what make up the Autonomic nervous system, which regulates the bodies involuntary functions.

What neurons carry motor impulses?

Motor neurons