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Q: Eye structure which allows lens to focus by changing shape?
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The human lens focuses light on the photoreceptor cells by?

Refraction. Due to the curved lens in the eye, and the difference of transparent medium from air, Snell's law applies. The shape of the lens re-directs light to focus on the retina. Muscles around the eye alter the shape to maintain focus.

What part of the eye is responsible for keeping objects in focus by changing its shape?


Alcohol inhibits transmission of nerve signals by?

changing the neuron membrane structure, which changes the shape of receptor proteins

Why is it important that a protein keep in shape?

because the shape of a protein allows it to perform its particular job

What is the structure that alters the shape of the lens for accommodation?

It automatically adjusts its thickness to focus the light.

How is the function and structure of a red blood cell related?

A red blood cell has no nucleus and a biconcave shape. This structure allows it to carry oxygen more efficiently.

Why moon is changing its shape?

The moon is not changing it's shape!

What is the medical term for normal adjustment of the lens to bring an object into focus?

The medical term for normal adjustment of the lens to bring an object into focus is "accommodation." This process involves the changing of the lens shape to focus on objects at different distances.

A structure of the eyes which shape can be modified?

I am not 100% sure, but I think I heard something about people changing the shape of the eye. Through surgery to modify the shape of the eye. More spefically, the slit of the eye to give the eye more of an oval shape.

Why don't werewolves exist?

They don't exist because shape changing doesn't exist. The entire process of changing muscle and bone structure would be way too complicated for any creature to do without the help of magic. If werewolves existed, why would shape changing be limited between two animals?

What structure changes its shape to focus light at the back of the eye?

The lens of the eye also called the crystalline lens.

How can changing even one amino acid affect the protein?

changing even one amino acid would change the whole whole sequence hence, change the structure(shape) of the protien because the amino acid ie; the (primary structure) determines the 3 dimensional shape of the protien in the first place,this because the polypeptide posses the positive charge and the negative either side of the peptide bonds these charges form the bonds in the primary-teritary making it into a 3d shape, in conclusion changing one amino acid would disrupt the charges and the way the polypetides are bonded intially changing the protiens structure. Mefenzo