

Effexor (Venlafaxine)

Effexor is the brand name for the anti-depressant, venlafaxine. It is used for the treatment is depression and anxiety disorders.

500 Questions

Can you take tramadol and venlafaxine together?

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Not really recommended (especially at high doses) since both medicines inhibit serotonin reuptake therefore increasing the risk of serotonin syndrome, which is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition.

What happens if you stop Effexor cold turkey?

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I wanted to share this information quoted directly that I found at the following website:


"Can I stop taking lithium suddenly?"

"Absolutely not! It is very unwise and risky to stop taking lithium suddenly, even if you feel better. Recent studies have shown that if you are taking lithium for bipolar disorder and stop it suddenly (ie over 1 to 14 days) you have a 1 in 2 (50%) chance of becoming ill again within six months and a 90% chance of becoming ill again within 3 years. If you need to stop lithium, it should be gradually over at least four weeks, preferably longer i.e. 3-6 months The dose should be decreased graduallyduring this time to minimise possible problems. You've got a lot to lose if you stop lithium too quickly."

My interpretation: It does not name what the exact physical effects are, (I suppose they may be different in each individual person), but a chance of relapse seems likely.

What effects would taking vicodin gabapentin Effexor and drinking alcohol have?

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I don't think there is a precedence for this combination but I'm pretty sure you would either die or end up in a coma and wake up in the hospital. I took 150mg Wellbutrin at 5:00 in the morning, had three drinks at about 7:00 in the afternoon, and then took an Ambien at 9:00 at night and went to sleep easily and comfortably. I woke up at 7:00 the next morning in the hospital hooked up to an extremely painful catheter, an IV, and breathing tubes inserted in my nose. I can't explain how disorienting this was and the state of panic it put me in. Later in the day my friends told me they took me to the hospital at about 1:00 in the morning. Apparently I woke up after I took the Ambien, inexplicably took about 20 more Ambien tablets and then poured all of my Wellbutrin into the heater vent, drove to the store about 4 miles away where I caused minor damage ($1000) to my car, urinated on myself, brandished a loaded weapon in the house and outside, video taped imaginary "ghosts" and "tiny men" for almost an hour straight and then fell unconscious and stopped breathing at which point I was taken to the emergency room. I don't remember any of this whatsoever. I do, however, have the recordings of the ghosts and tiny men I insisted that I saw, and I am completely dumbfounded and cannot explain how this happened.

Don't combine those three drugs, and surely don't add Vicodin into the mix. You will not enjoy the results.


wow! I'm really surprised you didn't go into a coma. if your friends didn't take you to the hospital you would've so been dead. i know how that feeling is when you wake up in the ER. I've been there from 2 GHB ODs. yea, ambien causes hallucinations, so that's where the tiny men come from.

Can you take Effexor with actifed?

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what allergy meds are safe to take as an asthmatic

Can you take Effexor and wellburtrin?

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Can have serious side effects, such as seizures. Ask a health care professional.

Can you take Effexor and Requip together?

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Yes, there is no interaction between those 2 drugs. However, you might see a little bit more nausea in taking those 2 drugs together. Flexeril might reduce mobility which might not be desirable in Parkinson's disease. If you use Requip for something else, there is no real problem with Flexeril.

Can you take Effexor and vistaril together?

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yep iv taken vicodin zyrtec xanax and cyclobenzaprine all togather most that will happen with any of those is you might get a little buzz if you take large doses because zyrtec increases the effects and sleepyness of the others

What herbs or natural minerals help with Effexor xr withdrawels?

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What are some of the withdrawal symptoms of effexor?

Can you take xanax while withdrawing from Effexor xr?

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Yes, you can. As a matter of fact, my Dr. prescribed me Xanax solely for this purpose. I was on 150mg Effexor XR, and switched to Zoloft. The Xanax was to be used while tapering down the Effexor and then ramping up the Zoloft. The Xanax was a lifesaver dealing with increased anxiety while going through the Effexor withdrawal and waiting for the Zoloft to "kick in". Talk to your Dr., as I'm not one, but I think you'd be fine using the Xanax as a very temporary aid while going through the withdrawal.

Can you take lipozene and Effexor?

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I think so, but Im not 100% sure.

What are the implications of taking venlafaxine and mirtazapine together?

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They seem to potentiate each other. Google "california rocketfuel".

Can you take venlafaxine with l theanine?

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Yes, but only under close supervision of a Psychiatrist and you need to look out for any symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome.

What happens if you overdose on Effexor?

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Any medication can kill you if you take too much. Take your medication exactly as your doctor has prescribed. If you are feeling suicidal please call the prevention hotline at 800-273-8255

Can you take cold medicine with Effexor?

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As far as for a cough, anything containing dextromethorphan should not be combined with Effexor unless under immediate supervision of a MD.

Some cold medicine should be avoided too because they increase blood pressure, and depending on your Effexor dosage, you might have increased blood pressure.