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This is a famous line from William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," spoken by Macbeth after he murders King Duncan. The line signifies Macbeth's realization that he will never have peace again, as he will be haunted by guilt and cannot reverse his actions. It symbolizes his descent into madness and infamy.

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Q: F what does it mean when it says Macbeth shall sleep no more?
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What words haunted Macbeth after killing duncan?

"Sleep no more, Macbeth doth murder sleep."

Who said glamis hath murdered sleep... Macbeth will sleep no more?

it simply means, that when he killed the king, he also killed sleep. Macbeth now wont be able to sleep because of the guilt of killing the king

Was Lady Macbeth an insomniac?

Yes, but only after Duncan's murder. As Macbeth thought he heard, "Macbeth shall sleep no more," because he murdered sleep. He murdered Duncan in his sleep and his guilt murders his sleep. Lady Macbeth is also effected by all of this. Later in the play, she sleep walks and tries to wash the blood off of her hands, which symbolizes her unending guilt. She is reliving the nights that Duncan and Banquo were murdered and she is so paranoid that she must sleep with a candle so that she is not murdered in her sleep like Duncan. She is so guilty that she eventually commits suicide.

What is the significance of the line sleep no more in Macbeth Act 2?

That Macbetbh had murdered sleep.

Who suspects Macbeth Support your answer with lines from Act II.?

Macbeth himself suspects his own actions and intentions. In Act II, after he murders King Duncan, Macbeth starts to feel overwhelming guilt and paranoia. He hears a voice that says, "Macbeth shall sleep no more" and he becomes consumed by fear and guilt, indicating his inner suspicion.

How is Macbeth's claim that he will sleep no more foreshadowed by the witches in Act I.iii?

That is what the First Witch does to the Master of the Tiger, after his wife refused to give the witch chestnuts. "I will drain him dry as hay; sleep shall neither night nor day hang upon his pent-house lid. He shall live a man forbid."

What did Macbeth think he heard?

He has imagined someone saying that he has killed sleep, and that Macbeth will sleep no more. This means that no visitor will be safe in Macbeth's home, for they can be doomed to the same fate King Duncan had endured. Because of his guilt, Macbeth will no longer sleep peacefully.

What is the importance of Sleepwalking in Macbeth?

Of course, Lady Macbeth has her famous sleepwalking scene in which she not only walks but talks in her sleep. It is clear that she is disturbed and unable to sleep properly. Indeed it is a recurring theme that the Macbeths have, by committing their crime, deprived themselves of a good night's sleep. A voice tells Macbeth as he murders Duncan, "Sleep no more, Macbeth hath murdered sleep." Later he expresses envy for Duncan because, "after life's fitful fever he sleeps well", and still later Lady Macbeth tells him, "you lack the season of all natures, sleep." which suggests that Macbeth has not been sleeping well.

In Macbeth who went in to wake duncan after Macbeth killed him?

Lady Macbeth goes to wake Duncan after Macbeth kills him. She does this to put on a show of concern and to redirect suspicion away from her husband.

In Macbeth act 2 Macbeth declares he will sleep no more because he believes?

Because of his guilt in the death of Duncan and the witches prophesied that he would find the forest moving towards the castle and this scared him.

What does Duncan call Macbeth when he hears Macbeth defeated Macdonawald?

"cousin", which suggests that Macbeth is somewhere in line for the throne, which would account on how quickly and seriously he took the witches' prophecies to be. he was in line for the throne, in other words, if all the heirs before him dies or are rid off, he would naturally become King. Duncan even said that he owes Macbeth a great deal for the defeat of the traitor Thane of Cawdor, this further leads Macbeth into believing that he might have a chance to be King. However, immediately after this, Duncan establishes his son as the one to succeed. This pushes Macbeth to more extreme methods, which suggests his readiness to commit murder for his ambition.

What had lady Macbeth been doing that caused her servant to call a doctor?

Lady Macbeth had been sleepwalking and experiencing intense guilt and remorse over her involvement in King Duncan's murder. The servant called a doctor to seek medical help for Lady Macbeth's troubled state.