

Facial swelling - loss of root canal?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Facial swelling - loss of root canal?
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How do you reduce swelling after a root canal?

The swelling will be there due to the edema of the tissue,

How do you reduce facial swelling due to tooth infection?

go to your dentst for an antibiotic once you have taken that prescription for 10days your dentist will be able to treat the tooth by root canal if needed or other dental treatments

Is it normal to have swelling in the face and gum 4 days after a root canal procedure?

The root canal is a dental procedure which is used to repair damaged teeth. Sometimes it takes a few days for recovery, but if you are having serious pain or swelling after root canal treatment, then contact your dentist as soon as possible to schedule next appointment.

What are the infections of an untreated root canal?

maggots will sometimes infect you teeth and cause severe swelling and pain. root canals must be treated extremely quickly.

Will ice help a tooth absess?

yes it will reduce swelling and feel good but you're going to need a root canal

Can root canals cause swollen lymph glands in the neck?

Infections caused by decayed teeth and neucrotic tissue in the tooth cause the swollen lymph glands. Internal inflammation of the surround tissue will cause facial swelling which may last 7-10days.

Can a person exercise after a root canal?

Yes you can exercise after a root canal. It will have no interfierence.

Seems that infection?

Seems that infection from the root canal of the teeth have passed to your maxillary sinus near your facial nerve branches. Better consult your physician.

Why is your cheek swollen after a root canal?

Hi, I am having this problem right now. I went to my dentist, he put me on antiboitics that are stronger. In my case it is bacteria that went into the facial tissue and sinus. Not fun at all, and I look like a chipmunk. I thought that was normal until I called him. Go see your dentist, or specialist. When I went for a visit today he also opened the tooth and got whatever else was there. He said with the anitboitics it can take a few days to start going down, and a week for the swelling to go down all together.

Have had second root canal on same molar Infection keeps coming back Am on antibiotics They work for awhile and the pain illness returns Should you have it pulled or keep trying to kill the infec?

When you have a root canal generally it is performed during 2 to 3 visits. Do you mean second visit to root canal? If you are being told this is a second root canal on the same tooth, find another dentist and stay on the antibiotics. Minimally get another opinion before making a decision. Get x-rayed, and checked again, you should not have pain or swelling after the root canal. Possible underlying other causes.

Can a root canal cause hearing loss because your sister has a crown and they drilled through it to do a root canal on tooth 30 and now she has hearing loss and pain in her neck and shoulder?

It is probably from infection. She has a build up of infection in the jaw neck area and that is causing the pain and the hearing loss. Either go back to the dentist or visit a doctor to get some anti-biotics.

What you have to do once root canal treatment completed?

After you've completed root canal therapy, it is always best to have a crown placed on the tooth to avoid having it break or fracture. Failure to do this in a timely manner could result in eventual loss of the tooth.