

Fallout 3 how to get lots of caps?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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12y ago

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usually you will find them in areas that you can pick locks but most likely you will have to go bad do to the fact that when you pic these area the color of the text is red and that will make you lose karma i just usually help out the lady from the brotherhood of steel with the pre war books she gives you 100 caps for each pre war book another way is by collecting the fingers and giving them to those people but that cause you to get good karma also help the guy in megaton he need scrap metal to fix pipes and he will pay you for them

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build your combat skills and kill raiders. loot the bodies and make a huge profit (plus pick up good weapons for a low level player).

If you are playing Fallout 3 on a PC, click the key berfore the 1 key to activate console mode then enter

0000000F and the number of caps you want (leave a space)

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You can sell your stuff. Or you can kill people to get it. :)

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Sorry, but there aren't any "cheats" in Fallout 3. There are, however mods for the PC version but that is all. Also, there are glitches to get more caps and such that can be counted as cheats if you want.

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No, but you can sell them for caps, and it has no weight; so you can hold as many as you want.

What do you do with the fingers in Fallout 3?

Take them to the Regulator HQ and they will give you a regulator duster and some caps for every finger you bring them.

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She is a hooker but does nothing but sleep does not provide any bonuses or active effects not worth the caps.

Where areAll weapons for fallout 3 including dlc?

i cannot answer all of this but Fallout wiki can! search Fallout wiki on Google... all your fallout needs plus lots of nuka cola, mmm im going there now...

How do you get a lot of caps in fallout 3?

its pretty easy just keep killing raiders, scavengers, raid places, and loot everything.

How do you enter paradise falls on fallout 3?

You Can't Sneak In, You Have To Capture Some Slaves For Grouse The Gate Guard Or Pay Him Some Caps.