

Famous people of Niger

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Famous people of Niger
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Do any famous people come from Niger past or present?

Famous people from Niger include: Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, Nafissa Souleymane, Kamilou Daouda, Kader Amadou,Alhassane Issoufou, Amadou Sadou, Rabiou Guero Gao, and Ismaël Lô.

What is a famous landforms in Niger?

The Tenere Desert is a famous landform in Niger. This vast desert covers a large portion of the country and is known for its stunning sand dunes and extreme temperatures.

What do people do for a living in Niger?

People in Niger farm, or mine uranium.

What do Niger people do for a living?

People in Niger farm, or mine uranium.

How is the Niger river important to Nigeria?

The African people who live near the Niger River depend on it for survival. The Niger River is important for providing fish for the people to eat, and sell for income. The Niger River also important to the transportation of the people and their goods.

Do people in Niger understand English?

some people in Niger can understand English but don't judge them if they don't know.

Which famous person that was born in Niger?

lebron James lebron James

What is a sand Niger?

A sand Niger is Narmeen. When people hear the phrase "sand Niger", they think to themselves "sand Niger?" What's that or that's not true, there is no such thing as sand Niger. But little do they know it is true. For instance, Narmeen is a sand Niger.

What is affecting Niger's environment?

the people

What are Niger people religion?


Why do people in Niger Africa celebrate Islamic new year?

people in Niger celebrate Islamic new year because they r Islamic

How responding to the employee Niger comment?

Niger is a country which is located in the Western part of Africa and has a population of over seventeen million people. The capitol of Niger is Niamey and the official language of this country if French. However, there is not mention of an employee named Niger how how people are responding to said employee.