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Q: Farm animals that are raised for wool and meat are known as what?
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What is the difference between wild turkey meat and farm raised turkeys?

Farm animals are usually domesticated.

What kind of animals are farm animals?

Farm Animals:PigsGoatsSheepCowsChickensDucksHorsesSpecialty Farms May Include:AlpacaAlligatorLlama

What kind of term is farm animals?

It's a plural term referring to animals domesticated to be raised on a farm for the purposes of food production, be it for eggs, milk or meat. Some farm animals, like sheep, some goat breeds and llamas and alpacas are raised for "fibre," or to collect their hair or wool to be made into clothing.

What are meat yielding animals?

"Meat-yielding" animals are those animals that are raised to be slaughtered so that their muscle tissue (being the meat) can be harvested and fed to people. The main animals that are raised and/or hunted for meat are:cattlebuffalo/bisoncamelschickensPigs (in some countries)cheapturkeysfishducksgeesedeerelkhorses (in some countries)sheep/lamb (wild and domestic)goatsmooseantelope

Where does Flemings buy their meat?

From animals: basically the farm..... or maybe hunters that kill animals.

Why do you turn cows into meat?

Because cows (or cattle) are food animals, meant to be raised to be "turned into" meat.

Is organic meat healthier than non-organic meat?

Probably, although everyone will not agree with that. It also depends on how the non-organic animals are raised. Animals raised in healthier conditions, whether organic or not, are going to produce meat that is healthier than those raised in cramped conditions who become ill.

What is a farm winery?

Farm winery is a refriderated storage facility that farmers take their meat from cows, and other animals ntil the slaughter house is ready for its meat.

What animals just eat meat?

Animals which are purely meat-eating are known as carnivores.

What farm animal eats the horse?

The only animals on the farm that would possibly eat horse meat are the dog and the pigs.

When and why did the first fleet bring animals over with them?

Because that there would be no cattle and farm animals to produce meat and wool

What are animals that eat meat most commonly known as?

Animals that eat meat, or meat-eaters, are most commonly known as "carnivores". (Note: look in dictionary or WikiPedia for more info.)