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Q: Fatal deadly suggestive of death from the river of forgetfulness in hades?
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What does fatal in Spanish mean in English?

deadly it is an adjective that means "causes death" example: Hemlock is a fatal poison.

What does the spanish word 'Fatal' mean in English?

deadly it is an adjective that means "causes death" example: Hemlock is a fatal poison.

What is the meaning of deadly?

Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive; certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound., Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies., Subject to death; mortal., In a manner resembling, or as if produced by, death., In a manner to occasion death; mortally., In an implacable manner; destructively., Extremely.

What is the meaning fatal flow in idioms?

Nothing. I think you mean Fatal FLAW, which is not an idiom but easily defined. A flaw is something wrong, and fatal is deadly, so it means something that results in literal or figurative death.

Does inuire and lethal mean the same thing?

inure: to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc lethal: of, pertaining to, or causing death; deadly; fatal

What is the meaning of 'fatal blow'?

"Fatal" means deadly, so a blow that is fatal would be a blow that kills you. In other words, it is the hit that causes death to a person. It can also be used in other contexts, a fatal blow to a company for instance, could mean that a competitor has produced a more successful product and rendered that company defunct.

When was Deadly Rooms of Death created?

Deadly Rooms of Death was created in 1997.

When did Deadly Rooms of Death happen?

Deadly Rooms of Death happened in 1997.

Is chloroform deadly?

Yes it is deadly. It may bring the death as a anesthetic.

What is a fatal decline?

A fall into death.

What is a fatal epidemic disease?

Stupidity is a fatal epidemic on this planet. The Only cure is death.

What does it Mean to kiss a deadly spider?

To come in a close encounter with death or something deadly.