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Q: Feasibility study on purewater business in nigeria?
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Example of feasibility study for a business like soap making?

A feasibility study figures out if starting out a business would be profitable or viable. There is a complete feasibility study, done in Nigeria, on soap-making, that is available for view on YouTube.

What is the feasibility study of a pure water business in Nigeria?

to know either the business is going to be viable on not

Feasibility study for a business like piggery?

feasibility study for piggery projects?

Can you give me a Sample feasibility study of food catering business?

can you give me a 10 questions regarding to the feasibility study on catering business.

Differentiate between a Feasibility study and a viability study?

The difference between feasibility study and a viability study is in what they determine. Feasibility study looks at the practicability of the business while viability studies look at how well a business can stand risks and survive.

Definition of feasibility study?

A feasibility study determines whether a business or an individual should pursue their plans. A feasibility study examines whether the plan will be profitable or not.

Example of feasibility study of a product?

yes.give details can you give me a sample of feasibility study in product business for coconut candy?

What is the meaning of socio-economic study in feasibility study?

The meaning of socio-economic study in feasibility study refers to the financial viability of a given business establishment.

Free Feasibility Study for Boutique?

A feasibility study for a clothing business is an excellent experiment. The experimenter would have to decide on variables, and ultimately, if the startup of a clothing business is viable in today's society.

Sample of objective of Feasibility study?

Business Plans

Definition of market feasibility study?

a business idea must pass the tes of market feasibility

What is the importance of a market feasibility study?

A feasibility study's main goal is to assess the economic viability of the proposed business. The feasibility study needs to answer the question: "Does the idea make economic sense?" The study should provide a thorough analysis of the business opportunity, including a look at all the possible roadblocks that may stand in the way of the cooperative's success. The outcome of the feasibility study will indicate whether or not to proceed with the proposed venture. If the results of the feasibility study are positive, then the cooperative can proceed to develop a business plan