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Q: Features that are thought to be deposited in tunnels that run beneath the ice are?
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What are mazes made of?

Mazes can be made from many things such as hedges, water, concrete or even large underground tunnels

How do moles use sound?

Assuming that you mean vibrations, they use it to determine where prey items such as insects and worms are in the ground and where there may be hollows or obstructions. This allows them to more easily catch prey and avoid danger. Vibrations also allow moles to navigate their tunnels since they are usually blind and the tunnels are pitch black.

What is air residence?

Resistance is force applied against an object trying to move through it like a car. That's why they test shapes in wind tunnels to see what is more aerodynamic. (reducing said resistance)

Which Four factors which affect light transmission into greenhouses and polythene tunnels?

The four factors that affect light transmission into greenhouses include location, orientation, structural design, interior components and systems and weathering on glazing. Poor location and structural design will inhibit light transmission. Too many interior components also can prevent the transmission of light.

What human activities may cause or contribute to chemical weathering?

People also weather rocks through many of their activities. To build roads, they sometimes have to blast with dynamite the large rocks along mountainsides. These rocks are broken into fragments. They dig tunnels for mining operations. They dig out large rocks and sand in large open pits called quarries. The rocks and sand that they quarry are used for construction. People build factories to manufacture the things they need. Factories release some chemicals which, when combined with water in the atmosphere, produce acid rain. Acid rain can eat into rocks and break them. Pamela S. =p

Related questions

. Eskers are glacial features formed when .?

Steams flowing in tunnels beneath glaciers deposit sand and gravel

What is an Eskers?

An esker is a long, winding ridge of sand and gravel deposited by a melting glacier. It is typically formed in tunnels within or beneath the ice and can stretch for many kilometers. Eskers are a common feature in glaciated regions.

How do you use the word tunnels in a sentence?

Many of New York City's homeless live in the abandoned subway tunnels, especially during the winter months.

What is the name of the network of underground tunnels beneath the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney world?


Does Edinburgh castle have secrets?

There are underground tunnels and chambers beneath the castle, many of which are still unexplored.

What does subtaranian mean?

"Subterranean" refers to something that is located or occurring beneath the surface of the earth, such as caves, tunnels, or underground structures.

Could you ever drive in the tunnels beneath Chicago?

The freight tunnels lie 40 feet beneath Chicago's streets. Miniature manned trains ran down there. The cars carried freight and coal to the buildings downtown and removed trash, mainly ashes from the burnt coal. There are over 60 miles of freight tunnels. They are directly under the streets of the Loop and cross over the north and west river branches a bit.

Who was the boss of Operation Dynamo?

Vice Admiral Bertram Ramsay co-ordinated the evacuation from the Dunkirk beaches from tunnels beneath Dover Castle.

How do you get below the Sphinx of Giza?

Legend recorded that there were secret passages under the Sphinx and archaeologists have in fact found three tunnels beneath it, but their purpose remains a mystery. They are not open to the public.

How do you use dead of winter in a sentence?

It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.

What are the man made features of the french alps?

Some man-made features in the French Alps include ski resorts, roads and tunnels, mountain huts, cable cars, and churches. These features are important for both tourism and transportation in the region.

What are three kinds of tunnels used in subsurface mining?

they are vertical tunnels, angle tunnels, and horizontal tunnels. THE END