

Best Answer
List of Plants that Rabbits Can EatHere are the vegetables that they can eat: alfalfa, radish, clover sprouts, basil, beet green tops, Bok Choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrot, carrot tops, celery, cilantro, clover, collard greens, dandelion greens, flowers, endive, escarole, green peppers, kale, mint, mustard greens, parsley, green pea pods, peppermint leaves, radicchio, radish tops, raspberry leaves, romaine lettuce, spinach, watercress, wheat grass. Now here are some fruits: apple (remove stem and seeds), blueberries, melon, orange (include the peel), papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, plums, raspberries, strawberries. You can find hay and just rabbit food at your local Martins or pet store. If you have any poison problems call like your rabbit ate an unsafe plant please call 1-888-426-4435 for help!

More fresh leafy greens that rabbits can eat: cucumber leaves, mache, red or green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, spring greens, chicory, fennel tops, borage leaves, dill, blackberry leaves and stems, strawberry leaves, sage, lemon balm, marjoram, savory, Russian comfrey, Boston lettuce, lovage, oregano, thyme, cilantro, chervil, tarragon; wild plants: plantain, thistle, chickweed, bramble leaves, shepherd's purse, goutweed, butterbur, cow parsnip (hogweed), coltsfoot, goosegrass, hawkweed, heather, hedge parsley, knotgrass, nipplewort, yarrow, salad burnet (small burnet), dock; crucifers: arugula (aka rocket), turnip greens, yu choy, rapini leaves (a.k.a. broccoli rabe/rape), kohlrabi greens, mizuna (Chinese greens), chard, cauliflower leaves

More Important DetailsThe plants listed above are all good for rabbits, but you should know more about them:

3 months old is a perfect time to introduce "salad" (fresh, dark, leafy greens) into your bunny's diet! Before 3 months of age, fresh greens can make bunnies sick. At this age, the salad should be small - less than 1/2 ounce, or 1/3 of a cup. (At 7 months you can start increasing the salad portion until, at 1 year, the rabbit is eating adult portions.)

Whenever you introduce a new food to your rabbit, be careful. Sudden changes to a rabbit's diet can cause illness. Stick to one new plant at a time, and wait a week or so before trying a new plant. Start small (a single bite), and increase portion size gradually. Watch for signs of illness (see related question below for details).

Be careful with cruciferous veggies. Many of the veggies listed above are crucifers (like bok choy, broccoli, kale, and others). Crucifers can cause gas in rabbits, and gas can be very serious, even leading to deadly illness (GI stasis). Bell peppers can also cause gas.

Be careful with lettuces. Too much can lead to diarrhoea.

Be careful with plants high in protein (like alfalfa, clover). They're great for rabbits younger than a year, but adult rabbits should only eat them as a treat because too much protein can lead to illness.

Wait until the bunny is 6 months old before introducing "treats." Any fruit and non-leafy vegetable (like carrots, pea pods, etc.) is considered a treat because it's relatively high in starch/sugar, and too much can make a rabbit sick. A healthy treat portion is no more than 2 tablespoons per day for a healthy, 6 pound rabbit. Commercial rabbit treats, and whole grains (like oat groats - this is NOT the same as oatmeal or processed grains), should also be kept away until about 6 months. (Many vets advise skipping these unhealthy foods entirely, though.)

Aside from salad, a 3-month old rabbit should have unlimited access to pellets, hay, and water. The hay can be alfalfa or a timothy-alfalfa mix. At 7 months, you can start transitioning the rabbit to an adult diet, which means only grass hay (like timothy - no alfalfa), and limited pellet portions (which depends on the weight of the rabbit).

See the related questions below for more details about a healthy rabbit diet.

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16y ago

No you should not feed your rabbit formula. A 3 week old rabbit should stay with its mother for at least another 5-6 weeks until weaned.

If for some unavoidable reason the baby is away from his mother (i.e. the mother has died) you need to get hold of some "kitten emergency formula" from a qualified vet who will be able to advise you on caring for such a young baby.

Most rabbits taken from their mothers at such a young age will not survive.

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12y ago

A 3-week old rabbit shouldn't be eating anything other than its mother's milk.

When rabbits start to wean (between 4 and 6 weeks old), they should have unlimited access to hay and pellets, but that's it.

At about 12 weeks, rabbits can start to sample fresh leafy green vegetables. These should be introduced in very small amounts, one at a time, and you should observe the rabbit for a few days before moving on to a new variety or increasing the portions. A certain food might be generally safe for rabbits, but your rabbit could have an intolerance to it.

At about 6 months, rabbits can start to sample other sorts of vegetables, like carrots, and fruits -- but only in very tiny portions, and just like with the greens you should introduce them one at a time and work them into the rabbit's diet gradually.

Carrot is a sugary vegetable, a treat food. A general guideline for these kinds of foods is no more than 2 tablespoons per day for a healthy, normal 6 pound adult rabbit.

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14y ago

They may still be nursing. Also they eat rabbit pellets and can be given LIMITED amounts of treats. Carrots, cheerios, dry bread and Oranges (peel and all) are excellent treats and generally will not give tummy aches as long as given in moderation.

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14y ago

They should still be nursing the doe.

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In the related links box below, I posted the information.

How often does a week old bunny eat?

First answer: You should not have a two week old rabbit away from its mother. If this is not possible, just put put a bowl of rabbit food once each morning. It will eat this throughout the day. Also, see a veterinarian if you are unsure of what to feed it. Disagreement: A two-week old domestic rabbit can't really eat solid food yet. Pet rabbits wean at about 6 weeks. At two or three weeks, you can put out hay, pellets, and water, but the rabbit still needs formula (kitten formula, KMR): 7-13 cc/ml each feeding (two feedings daily) -- that's according to the HRS FAQ link below. Wild rabbits are different from domestic rabbits. You have to know what species of rabbit you have, because this will change how you raise it (including diet: what, when, and how much). See the related links below for details.

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Do not be too sensitive, feed him three times a day and after a week you will get the average meal

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Formula maybe wet food

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