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Q: Ferdinand Magellan was the first explorer to find?
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How did Magellan contribute?

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who in 1519 set sail to find a route to the Spice Islands. While on the expedition, Magellan discovered the Strait of Magellan and was the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.

What was Ferdinand Magellan motivation?

His motivation was to find the northwest passage

What did ferdinand magellan do at the philippines?

He was the first European to find them and was killed there.

Contributions of Ferdinand Magellan?

he was the first European to land in Florida and named the land “La Florida”

Who discovered the passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean?

The 1519-1522 expedition led by Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe, and thus the first to discover the sea route around Cape Horn, at the tip of South America.

Who was the first Portuguese explorer to find water route to Asia?

Vasco du Gama was the Portuguese explorer who successfully completed the first all-water route to get to India. He traveled around Africa to get to India.

Did Ferdinand Magellan find North Carolina?


Where did Ferdinand Magellan find her crews?

at the philippines

Why did Ferdinand Magellan go exploring the first place?

to find a new way to the spice islands

What did Ferdinand Magellan plan to do?

find spice for his king

Where can one find information on Ferdinand Magellan?

Information on Ferdinand Magellan can be found in history books at the local library, or in history related articles online. One recommended book would be "Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?" by S. A. Kramer.

What is the middlename of Ferdinand e Magellan?

As far as I can find out, no one seems to know, very little is known of Magellan. I'm wondering if you have seen a misprint because Magellan can also be known as 'Ferdinand de Magellan'