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C6H12O6 (180.16 g/ mol) ---> 2C2H5OH (46.07 g/mol) + 2 CO2

600.4 g glucose @ 92.14 g ethanol / 180.16 g glucose = 307.06 grams of ethanol can be produced

307.06 grams of ethanol @ 0.789g/ml = 389.2 millilitres


your answers: 307 grams of ethanol & 0.389 litres of ethanol

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Q: Fermentation is a complex chemical process of wine making in which glucose is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide statrting with 500 4g of glucose what is the maximum amount of ethanol in grams?
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When wood burns is it thermal energy converted to chemical energy?

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What is fermentation?

Fermentation is the process by which cells release energy (ATP) under anaerobic conditions . Several major products of fermentation are ethanol, lactic acid, and hydrogen gas. Fermentation of sugars by yeast is typically used as the source of ethanol for alcoholic beverages.During glycolysis it makes a net amount of 2 molecules of ATP (energy). Fermentation happens anaerobically (without oxygen) and the reduction of pyruvate into lactate itself does not yield any energy (ATP).The chemical breakdown of a substance, by bacteria,yeast, or other microorganisms typically involving effervescence and the giving off heat*The process of Fermentation involves the making of beer,wine,and liquor, in which sugars are converted to ethyl alcohol.*(archaic)agitation; excitement("I found Paris in high fermentation")