

Fertile goldfish eggs

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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If there has been a normal goldfish spawning frenzy there will be many of both fertilised and unfertilised ova. The ones that go white and are most visible within 36 hours are the infertile ones. The ones you don't/can't see easily because they are almost transparent are the good fertilised ones. Be patient. In a few weeks, provided the adults don't eat them all, you will see tiny fry (they look like small slivers of glass) wriggling and swimming around the edges of plants and algae. Good luck with them.

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11y ago

Goldfish are never pregnant, but simply bear eggs. If there is no male in the tank, females typically re-absorb the eggs and never release them. If they do release eggs, the fish will eat the majority of them whether they are fertilized or not.

When you do see eggs in your tank, you should clean them out as best as you can as unfertilized eggs will grow fungus.

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14y ago

I don't know what you are asking. If you have goldfish spawn the eggs that go white within 36 hours are infertile. The ones you don't see are the ones that will develop into fry.

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11y ago

If you want to try raising fry (baby fish) then yes, they need to be fertilized.

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Are goldfish eggs clear?

They are amber/opaque when they are scattered and fertilised. They go white/fungussy within 36 hrs if they are not fertile.

You bought two goldfish now you have eggs all over the bottom of your tank you took out the goldfish and the eggs are getting hairy don't know if the other was a male to fertilize what should you do?

I'm not an expert at this, but I would put the parents back in until the eggs hatch. If the eggs don't hatch about 8 mon. after that, they are probable dead. Answer- The Goldfish eggs should hatch in two or three days depending on the temperature of the water in your tank. First it is important to realize that the eggs must be fertilized by a male Goldfish, after the eggs have been laid by a female Goldfish. Did you have a male Goldfish in the tank with the female? If not the eggs will not be fertile, and will soon turn white, and will not hatch. But if the eggs were fertilized, they should hatch in two or three days depending on the temperature of the water in tank. Note: You should not try to remove the eggs from your tank.

Does a goldfish lays eggs?

Goldfish do lay eggs. The eggs will attach to something in the tank or bowl until they hatch.

How do goldfish reprodecu?

When the water becomes seasonally warm, goldfish will reproduce. Males will pursue a fertile female when she is ready to release eggs, and will chase her until the point of exhaustion. She will then release her eggs and they will stick to the nearby surfaces. The male will release milt, which is similar to sperm, and the milt will reach the eggs through the water and fertilize them.

How old does your goldfish have to be to be pregnant?

Goldfish may take 2-3 years to reach sexual maturity.

Don't want the goldfish eggs?

Don't worry!!! Goldfish eat their own eggs!!! If you want the eggs, then you have to separate the mother from the eggs.

How do you tell from a fertile goldfish egg from a infertile egg?

If after 24 hrs the egg is not a white/opaque it probably is fertile.

Are goldfish eggs supposed to be fuzzy?

If the goldfish eggs appear "fuzzy" then they are growing fungus.

How long does a goldfish stay with its mother?

Goldfish are not livebearers so they are never truly prenant. After the female goldfish lays her eggs a nearby male will release a cloud of milt and fertilize the eggs. After this if the mother and father goldfish are not removed from the eggs the eggs will be eaten. So in short a goldfish does not and should not stay with its mother.

How does a goldfish have babies?

Goldfish lay eggs. These eggs attach to objects in the tank or pond, like leaves. They stay there until the goldfish fry hatch.

How long will a pond goldfish stay with her eggs?

Goldfish will start to eat their eggs once they have finished spawning them. They do not look after their eggs at all.

Do goldfish stay with their eggs?

fish do not stay with the eggs