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mama said ur a pimp lol

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Q: Fertile soil from the sierra Nevada has washed into this region?
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How was the central valley formed?

The Central Valley was formed when deep layers of rocks from the Sierra Nevada washed down from the mountains and created the valley floor.

What were the effects of the flooding of the Fertile Crescent?

The flooding of the Tigris and the Euphrates caused silt that washed from the mountains they flowed from, onto the land making it fertile and that is why Mesopotamia is called the fertile crescent.

Can you lose the use of soil by soil erosion?

yes because as we mine, the top soil is washed away and this makes the soil in-fertile.

Can you use eggs a broody has sat on for a day that are not fertile?

Yes. Until the egg is washed, it has a coating that is airtight and makes it safe not to refrigerate it. Eat with confidence, but only if not fertilized.

Is fertilizer renewable?

Fertile is renewable albeit at a very slow rate. It can take up to one thousand years to renew one inch of topsoil that is washed or blown away.

How did southern and northern Mesopotamia differ in terms of soil fertility?

The headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were in mountainous territory. The rivers washed silt down the rivers and fertile land acumulated in the river basins, replenished each year by the soul washed down the rivers by the rains in the northern mountains.

What kind of natural resources did they have in Mesopotamia?

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which washed down fertile soil from the mountains, providing the basis for thriving agriculture which underpinned the resources necessary for civilisation to develop.

How did the Fertile Crescent get its name?

The land was fertile because of all the silt that entered the ground around the Nile. It had an abundance of crops and vegetation. Also, the shape of the land is was in the form of a crescent: an arc shape. The key elements were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which supplied the water which made the fertile land productive and washed down new soil to maintain the fertility.

Can sperm be transfered from washed hand to tampon and cause pregnancy?

No, this is not possible. Sperm cannot survive for long outside of the body, if a woman has washed her hands then all the sperm has also been washed away so none would get on the tampon - let alone enough to then impregnate her, also during menstruation a woman is less likely to be fertile so pregnancy risks are a little lower than at other times of her cycle.

How do you change 'The windows have been washed' into the active voice?

Passive Voice: The windows have been washed. Active Voice: John washed the windows. Sally washed the windows. Sally and John washed the windows. They washed the windows. He washed the windows. She washed the windows. Or... John had washed the windows. etc.

What is the past tense of washed?

The past tense of "washed" is "washed."

Where is Oregon?

Oregon is located on the west coast of the U.S.A. Above it is the state of Washington and below it are the states of California and Nevada. East of it is the state of Idaho, and Oregon's western beaches are washed by the great Pacific Ocean.