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Bettas should be in breeding condition before you put them together. If you follow the rules below then keep reading I'll point you in the right direction. The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank need at least 50% of its water changed every week. Follow and keep to the above rules and your fish stand a chance of survival. Fail to keep them and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting ill and maybe dying.

Bettas need to be kept at around 78F to 82F, fed at least twice every day and given a supplement of live food like Daphnia, Cyclops, Brineshrimp etc at least 2 or 3 times every week in order to get them into breeding condition. When the female is really chubby around the tummy and the male starts blowing bubbles (nest Building) you can assume they can be put together in a well etablished, 24"x12"x12" heated, filtered, planted, tank. Then keep an eye on them. Once spawning is over, the female must be taken out otherwise she will be killed.

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Q: Fighting fish fignt when want them to mate?
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How do you fish mate?

To mate fish, you should see how the fish you want to mate, mate. Then you should put them in the same tank and watch them. I'm not an expert so search the web for a more through answer.

Can you feed a fighting fish a fish?

well not exactly if you want to kill your other fish then........sure! why not? if love your fish, why kill it?

Why is your Siamese fighting fish blowing bubbles on the surface?

This means he is ready to mate and if you have a female you should breed them if you want to but if you don't have one and don't want to breed them you don't have to go out and buy just because you think that the bubble nest means he needs one it doesn't if you do want to mate them wait till it get bigger then put the female in for max 24 hours

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Well, you really call it fighting for a mate. That is usually what males do if both want a mate. The winner receives the mate, and the loser has to find another female.

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what do platy fish look like because i want to get my male Betta fish a male platy fish mate and i need to know how big and what they look like so i can put them together please answer soon because i am going on vacation tomorrow want the fish mate by today so he's not lonely while i am gone thank you

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Actually, saltwater fish are considered to be more colorful than freshwater fish.

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It means that the fish that is nudging it wants to or is mating with the other fish. If the other fish doesn't want to mate the other fish will just keep on nudging :)

What fish don't fight with Siamese fighting fish?

No fish will really fight a Betta,unless its another Betta(male,not female,males and females get along pretty well),so i would suggest getting a Gold Mystery Snail if you dont want your Betta fighting with your fish.

Which petshops sell the female fighting fishes?

Most pet shops that stock tropical fish will be able to get you a female 'Betta splendens'. (that's its' correct name). I would advise you not to use the name 'Chinese fighting fish' 'Cos they may not know what kind of fish you mean since they do not come from China. If you really want to call it a 'Fighting Fish' then use the name 'Siamese Fighting Fish'. Most folks will understand that.

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When your'e fishing for it u put whatever u want to feed it with put it on the hook

What if your guinea pigs crawling over each other what it mean?

It means that they are badly fighting or possibly... reproducing!

You cooked fish on Sunday and want to eat the cooked fish four days later will it be all right to do so?

It depends what type of fish it is. I think that swordfish lasts about 5 days so yer have a good one mate