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Q: Financially speaking what two things really hurt Germany and forced them into economic depression?
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Do to the fines Germany had to pay, they sank into a depression.

Contributed to the global economic crisis during the great depression?

Postwar reparations led to hyperinflation and economic collapse in Germany.

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Germany & France

Did Hitler save Germany from a crisis?

Hitler successfully saved Germany from a economic crisis similar to the American Great Depression.

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Germany ruling system went wrong & they hit an economic depression

What problems did germany encounter in the 1920s?

weak goverment, economic problems, wall street crash, depression

What best describes the economic of facist Germany during the great depression?

Full employment but low wages

How did financial crisis contribute of the Great Depression?

Postwar reparations led to hyperinflation and economic collapse in Germany.

Why Adolph Hitler so famous?

He was a great motivational speaker. He started out speaking softy and then gradually speaking higher and higher. Also after the great war Germany was in a depression like the U.S and he got Germany out of it quickly.

Why did Canada wait to declare war on Germany?

Largely due to economic problems caused by the U.S. Great Depression.

How were the economies of the US and Germany were linked before the great depression?

Because of the Great Depression, the American loans and investments to help rebuild the German economy stopped, affecting employment in Germany. Repayment of the loans by Germany stopped in 1932. This economic distress contributed to Hitler's rise in power in Germany.

What good did Hitler do to Germany and its people?

He brought the country out of an economic depression and helped the people to begin manufacturing products again.