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Sudden change in your life.

Usually people will only notice a sudden negative change in their lives. For example, every time I run into a certain person on the street the following few weeks will be filled with bad luck for me. I would just pass it off as a normal fluctuation in my luck, health, relationships, etc. It took me years to realize that seeing "Liz" and having bad luck follow our meeting was linked. Her sister finally revealed to me that "Liz" is a black magic practitioner and enjoys passing bad luck onto all her female competition (she tried to seduce my husband once upon a time and still holds a grudge that I caught her). Now that I know, I simply cast a counter curse and protection spell upon myself and my home every few months to keep things smooth (not abundantly luck but not unlucky either, just normal).

However, spells can also bring you luck. For example, if you suddenly see an abundance of luck enter your life, it could be the result of someone casting a spell of luck, good fortune, health, wealth, etc. upon you. I've received requests from clients to cast a spell on a friend or family member of theirs to help them trough a rough patch. Though I don't like casting spells on unknowing "targets" as long as the spell is of positive energies, I don't really object (though I do prefer that they ask the person's permission before I cast).

An Alternate Thought

Much as the idea of there being people out there (witches or other) who randomly and secretly cast spells on others has a fascination for many people, the truth is there really are not that many who: A) can, B) would.

Most ethical practitioners who regularly cast spells do so only with the express permission and full knowledge of the person. Hence, if you asked for a spell, you would know it had been cast.

If you have engaged someone to cast for you, the effects are usually quite subtle, more of an appearance of things going "a bit more to your liking." This depends on the type of spell cast of course, but magic rarely if ever comes like a "bolt out of the blue."

- A prosperity spell does not generally result in an instant lottery win, but more often manifests as a great new job offering.

- A love spell will not have Brad Pitt or your favourite sports figure walk up to your door with flowers in his hand, but may manifest as a new person in your circle of acquaintances who shares your interests and is looking for a new friend.

- A protection spell may not "blast" a burglar who is about to break into your house, but instead send a police cruiser down your block, discouraging the thief from hanging around your neighbourhood.

If you are suddenly experiencing a "run of bad luck" I would suggest that the cause is more likely internal than external.

There is such a thing as cause and effect. If your thoughts and actions tend toward the negative, you are more likely to attract negative energies.

Should you find yourself in such a situation, stop and reflect, be willing to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions and make an adjustment in your outlook.

Do a few "good deeds," be a bit more charitable (in words and actions) to others, look less to lay blame and more to changing the way things are.

It shouldn't take long before your "luck" will change, good things (that you may not have noticed before because of negativity) will become more evident.

Magic (the real magic, not the "movie magic") is available to everyone, it is in you as well as me and if you channel the positive and let go of the negative you will not need to wonder if someone else has cast a spell on you, because your own magic will be balancing your life.

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12y ago
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9y ago

It can be very difficult to determine whether someone is under a spell or not, because there is an infinite variety of spells in existence and each witch has his/her own techniques for spellcasting.

Some spells may bring about sudden, unexpected and unexplainable changes in someone's life. There are some spells that cause easily noticeable effects like falling in love with a perfect stranger, having a series of incredibly good or bad lucks, having unusual dreams or visions... However, most spells are subtler than that and the people on which they are cast will probably never notice any event strange enough to bring the question "am I under a spell ?"

If you have good reasons to think that a spell may have been cast on you, the first question you should ask yourself is "who could have cast it ?" Look for practitioners of any occult arts of religions among the people you know; if you find any, perhaps the easiest strategy is to simply ask them if they used magic on you, and why.

Of course, if the hypothetical spell appears to be negative and causes you harm, then it is unlikely that the spellcaster will talk to you openly about what he\she did. In that case, the best way to check if a spell was cast is divination. There are hundreds of ways to practice divination; you may use a tarot reading, a pendulum, a ouijà board, a scrying mirror, a crystal ball, fire scrying, runes, etc.

If you are not comfortable practicing divination yourself or don't know how to proceed, you may ask a trustworthy witch, medium or fortune-teller to do it for you (if you rely on someone else's readings, don't forget to ask the practitioner to focus the divination on the events that you suspect were caused by a spell).

Remember that even with skilled divination and a thorough investigation of the events that seem to be supernaturally influenced, sometimes it is impossible to be certain that a spell was or was not involved. Witchcraft is a subtle art, and understanding a spell without getting information directly from the caster is complicated.

Another answer:

There are certainly unethical people who will disregard the Rule of Three (that which you send out will return to you threefold) and they end up paying the price. And there are some paths that do in fact spell-cast on others, but they are remarkably rare and all of the practitioners I know are ethical people.

A bit of bad luck is usually just that, a bit of bad luck, not the malicious attack of someone else. In the rare instance where someone is ill-wishing you, your best defense is your lack of belief. Magic needs belief, not just theirs, but yours as well.

As stated above if you are sure you are under a spell, you most likely know the caster and should speak to them about what they have done. A calm adult approach is most often best and most productive.

If you are certain it is a spell, and you can not find the caster, looking for him/her is not easy. I do not recommend that you look for yourself. Most of the above suggestions require a fair amount of skill, and the tools with which to work. The Ouija board in particular is anything but the harmless child's toy it was sold as for years.

Get help. As stated above a friend or witch that you know and trust is a good start, but there are reputable professionals out there you may hire.

You best line of defense is your own belief. Carry a symbol of your faith, or just make up your mind no one can hurt you and you are better protected than most.

A Cheaper Way

You can do a meditation to find out if there is a spell on you. Focus on yourself. If you feel something off, something wrong, or something that doesn't feel like it belongs, then that is probably a negative influence or a curse. The best way to get rid of it is to think of it as a string or rope surrounding you. The string will have an origin, or a direction in which it came from. Sever the string and make it snap back to its owner. It will be like a rubber band; once it gets to its caster, it will smack them. Karma, it is so fun.

Dont forget to ground afterward. I didnt ground properly once after doing this and I ended up shattering glass that I touched.

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12y ago

There are many signs that a spell has been placed on you.

1.) You were told one was placed on you

2.) You have extreme lengths of bad luck with no actual cause.

3.) You feel drained all the time and there is no explanation

4.) You feel a weakening of the body and spirit

5.) Constant nightmares and night terrors that you didn't have before

6.) Constant Conflict and disorder in the home

7.) Nose bleeds (and you don't normally have them, depending on the spell)

8.) Random bleeding for no reason from the ears or other orifices (depending on the spell)

9.) unexplained bruises and cuts that are extremely slow to heal( depending on the spell)

10.) You see other signs that make you believe you have a spell cast on you

11.)When you look in a mirror and it breaks

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13y ago

From the question, I assume you are not that familiar with witchcraft, magic, the occult and their practitioners. Unlike what you may have heard from others, read in fiction books or seen on TV or in the movies, spell casting on others is quite complex and the ubiquitous love spell is very nearly impossible to cast on someone unknowing. Most of the real Witches of today, do not cast spells on others without their knowledge and permission, and if they do, most of the spells don't work, or don't work well. Our ethics tend to make us very careful of what we do and to whom.

There are certainly unethical people who will disregard the Rule of Three (that which you send out will return to you threefold) and they end up paying the price. And there are some paths that do in fact spell-cast on others, but they are remarkably rare and all of the practitioners I know are ethical people.

A bit of bad luck is usually just that, a bit of bad luck, not the malicious attack of someone else. In the rare instance where someone is ill-wishing you, your best defense is your lack of belief. Magic needs belief, not just theirs, but yours as well.

As stated above if you are sure you are under a spell, you most likely know the caster and should speak to them about what they have done. A calm adult approach is most often best and most productive.

If you are certain it is a spell, and you can not find the caster, looking for him/her is not easy. I do not recommend that you look for yourself. Most of the above suggestions require a fair amount of skill, and the tools with which to work. The Ouija board in particular is anything but the harmless child's toy it was sold as for years.

Get help. As stated above a friend or witch that you know and trust is a good start, but there are reputable professionals out there you may hire.

You best line of defense is your own belief. Carry a symbol of your faith, or just make up your mind no one can hurt you and you are better protected than most.

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8y ago

Another answer from our community:

First of all you must believe in God our creator and believe that he is our savior in doing this you will let the enemy know that you believe in God and have faith that he is your protector . When you notice that someone is trying to cast a spell on you you must rebuke them and show no fear because you know that God is on your side and always believe in him and that should protect you from having a spell cast upon you.

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8y ago

Spells only work if people believe in them, just as religion only works if people believe. All you need to do to protect yourself from someone casting a spell is not to believe in spells. Nothing could be simpler!

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11y ago

There is no need to. People cannot cast spells it is a fantasy.

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Uriel- AudiBean

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3y ago

when something changed

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