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if (*&a > *&b) *&max = *&a;

else *&max = *&b;

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Q: Find the greater no between two nos using pointer in c plus plus programming?
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Why you are using VOID in C programming?

You don't use 'VOID', but 'void'. It means different things, such as:- void as function type means no return value- void as function parameter means no parameters- 'void *' as pointer-types means generic pointer

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A pointer is a programming language data type whose value refers directly to (or "points to") another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory using its address.

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What is pointer in java?

There is no concept similar to pointers in Java. Pointers are a feature in C programming using which a programmer can access the memory. This was the cause of major catastrophic programming bugs. The creators of Java excluded this feature just to avoid such catastrophic bugs.

What are the important applications of pointer?

the execution time of programe is fast using the pointer

In pointers what is the use of pointer variable?

Pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable . So pointer basically stores the address of another variable and size of pointer can be evaluated by using sizeof operator.

Where is the set pointer placed when using a barometer?

you need to read what the pointer is on and you can know the reading of what you are measuring. - {courtney tucker}

How do you find the distance between two integers using the difference?

The difference (greater minus lesser) is the distance between them.

What does compare mean in programming?

It means exactly that. You compare values, using comparison operators such as '==', '<', and '>' (equal to, less than, and greater than respectively). For example; if (value1 > value2) { //Do something }

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When using the Format Painter the pointer takes the shape of a?

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