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New york i think.

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Q: First place hit by 2004 Indian ocean tsunami?
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What made the 2004 tsanumi?

The 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean was caused by an undersea megathrust earthquake. The tsunami took place on the 26th of December.

Where did the boxing day tsunami take place?

The Boxing Day Tsunami, or Indian Ocean Tsunami, occurred near Asia. The resulting destruction affected many people worldwide and many humanitarian efforts were started.

You mean really they dont have any warning for a tsunami in any state but the us?

This is not true. There has been a warning system for tsunamis in place around the entire Pacific Ocean since the 1940s. In fact, Japan is probably even better prepared for a tsunami than the US is. More recently, a tsunami warning system was created in the Indian Ocean.

Which place divides Indian Ocean into 2 seas?

The Indian subcontinent divides Indian Ocean into two seas

How tsunami takes place?

A tsunami happens after an abrupt movement of the ocean floor. The most common causes are from earthquakes and underwater landslides.

Is Indian Ocean Holidays an actual holiday or a place to stay?

"An ""Indian Ocean Holiday"" is the western European way of wording an ""Indian Ocean Vacation."" It is not an actual holiday, nor is it a place to stay."

Do individual tsunamis get named?

No not like hurricanes. Large Tsunami events cetainly get remembered. The Tsunami that killed over 200 000 people on December 26 2004 is known variously as the Indian ocean tsunami, the Boxing day tsunami or the Asain tsunami. Normally tsunamis are "named" by their origin and their year such as the 1960 Chilean tsunami or the 1964 Alaskan tsunami, even though they may devastate areas thousands of miles away.

Where do tsunami's likely strike?

most likely in a place near the ocean like hawaii

Could the 2004 tsunami have been predicted?

Seismometers or earthquake sensors placed near fault zones. They do not make a judgment that a tsunami is coming, but indicate that it is possible. The tsunami's travel across deep water almost invisible, but generate astounding heights when coming ashore in shallow water. That is why some warnings are issued and no tsunami appears. It takes certain things to happen to generate a tsunami.

Where does a tsunami warning system now operate?

It could be in Japan. Because in Japan had often Tsunami

Place where tsunami likely to occur in map?

places in Atlantic ocean...ha i answered another one

What was worst the 2010 Haiti earthquake or the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami?

In terms of deaths, the 2010 Haiti earthquake was worse. The quake killed an estimated 250,000 people. The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed an estimated 230,000 people. Some dispute the number of people killed in the Haiti quake and place the number around 94,000. However, in terms of human suffering, loss of property and the problems with disease and caring for the survivors, the Haiti quake was much worse.