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Q: Flowers have colors and smells that attract animals to drink their?
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How do flowers attract insects?

Flowers attract insects by: Big and colourful petals. Sweet scented. By nectar.

What helps attract pollinators?

Pollinators such as bees, butterflies and other insects or birds are attracted to the colors and smells of certain flowers. During the feeding process cross pollination occurs.

What smell attracts people?

Different smells attract different people. If a woman or a man wears fragrance, they are more likely to attract a member of the opposite sex. Other smells that attract people can include food, the smell of the seashore, or flowers.

What are the features of a flower that would attract pollinators?

Color, shape, odor, and taste. For example, honeybees are attracted to bright colors, open-petal-shaped flowers, flowers which have certain smells, and the sweet nectar produced by many flowers. They can even be "trained" to pollinate flowers which humans might not find particularly attractive such as onion (allium spp.) flowers.

How does the hibiscus flower make itself attractive to insects?

Many flowers, like the hibiscus have evolved to attract insects by traits such as bright colors and attractive smells.

Why would flowers be interesting for children?

the colors, maybe even the smells can capture a childs attention

Why do plants with fruits on trees spend energy creaating fragrances smells more than plants with fruits on the ground?

The tree requires to attract pollinators to the flowers before the fruit can form. The flowers on the plants on the ground can be pollinated by passing animals moving their pollen around.

Which has a distinctive pleasant odor that helps attracts animals?

Depends on what animal you want to attract and what you view aspleasant Some animals may be attracted by the scents of specific flowers, and others are attracted to rather foul smells like cow patties or the urine of their own species.

What are the adaptations of the corpse plant?

they smell like a corpse to attract insects, and the insects pollinate them.

Why are flowers generally colorful and fragrant?

Flowers' colours and scents are a sort of advertising, and are primarily to attract insects -- particularly bees -- to come and take nectar. In the process of doing so they will transfer pollen from one flower to the next, thus fertilizing the flower enabling it to produce seed and, where appropriate, fruit. Without pollination there would be no next generation of flowers.

What is growing of flowers called?

i think its were the flower grows into the beautiful petals and eventually dies and starts the stage again. Flower growth continues after its opening till the fruit is formed from its ovary

Why do different flowers smell different?

The smells in flowers come from special oils that are produced in the petals as the plant grows. When this oil evaporates, which it does very easily, it gives off a fragrance which we can smell. Various combinations of chemicals in the oils of different flowers result in a variety of fragrances. Some are pleasant, sweet smells, like those of roses, lilacs, and lilies, while others are quite unpleasant. The pelican flower of South America, for example, smells like rotten meat! Flowers get their red, purple, orange, pink, or yellow colors from the pigments, or coloring matter, in the sap of their cells. It is both the scents and colors which attract insects and birds, which land on the flower to sip its nectar. In doing so, they help to spread the pollen for new flowers. Many flowers have the same oil in their leaves, roots, and fruit as they have in their petals, so we can smell the fragrances in those places too!