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pretty sure its the outer root

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Q: Follicle sheath that consists of dermal tissue?
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What is the name given to the pocket of epidermal and dermal cells that the hair grows within?

That would be the follicle. The hair follicle is a small tubular cavity containing the root of a hair; small muscles and sebaceous glands are associated with hair follicles.A mature hair follicle contains a bulb holding the dermal papilla cells, a hair shaft extending from the bulb through to the outer exterior of the epidermis, and a dermal sheath which provides an external covering of tissue around the bulb and along the length of the follicle.The hair follicle extends through the dermis, a hypodermis (a loose layer of connective tissue below the dermis), and a fat (or adipose) layer. In adults, molecular signals between the dermal papilla and the epidermal component of a follicle cause the hair to enter an active growth phase from an inactive phase.

Dermal tissue typically consists of a single layer of?

Cell walls.

What is a sheath of epithelial and connective tissue around hair?

Skin! In epidermis, you have epithelial tissue. In case of dermis, you have connective tissue.

What are 3 types of tissue found in plants?

Plants have three tissue systems: the vascular tissue system, the ground tissue system, and the dermal or epidermis tissue system. The tissue systems are found in all parts of the plant-the roots, stem, and leaves.

Is the outermost sheath of a hair the connective tissue root sheath?


Which tissue are you removing when you peel a potato?

Both dermal and vascular tissue.

Where is cutaneous tissue found?

Cutaneous tissue is also called dermal tissue and is the skin

What dermal structures are responsible for fingerprints?

The dermal tissue structures responsible for fingerprints are dermal papillae. They are tiny extensions of the dermis into the epidermis.

Kinds of plant tissue?

There is ground, vascular, and dermal.

What are the 3 plant system?

- Vascular tissue system - Ground tissue system - Dermal tissue system

What tissue systems make a plant body?

There are basically three tissue systems making a plant body:the dermal tissue,vascular tissue and the ground tissue. The dermal tissue is the outer protective covering of the plant, it is called the epidermis in non-woody plants. The vascular tissue transports material (water and nutrients) between roots and shoots.This tissue is composed of two conducting systems:xylem and the phloem. The xylem conveys water from roots to the shoots while the phloem conveys organic nutrients from where they are produced to where they are needed. The ground tissue makes up the bulk of the plant. It specializes in storage of material, photosynthesis and support. It consists of simple tissues called the parenchyma,collenchyma and sclerenchyma which helps it to function.

What type of tissue an axillary bud and terminal bud share in common?

Dermal Tissue