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Q: Following the Battle of Bunker Hill did king george and the continental congress try and reconcil?
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What did Ethan Allen mean when he said surrender in the name of the great Jehovah and the continental congress?

In the battle of Ticonderoga

The second continental congress was wise in having Washington prepare for war as it sought peace?

because he was young and had good battle plans

What was the major result of the second continental congress?

On May 10, 1775, the members of the Second Continental Congress met at the State House in Philadelphia. There were several new delegates including: John Hancock from Massachusetts, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, and Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania. The Second Continental Congress meeting started with the battle of Lexington and Concord fresh in their memories. The New England militia were still encamped outside of Boston trying to drive the British out of Boston. The Second Continental Congress established the militia as the Continental Army to represent the thirteen states. They also elected George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.

Did John Hancock fight in battle?

He did technically command the Massachusetts militia for a short time, but most of his service during The Revolution was in the Continental Congress.

What were the Suffolk resolves?

AnswerIt was a radical set of resolves passed by a county convention in Massachusetts in the Fall of 1774 in response to the Coercive Acts. It was essentially written by the head of the convention Joseph Warren. He was eventually killed on Breed's Hill in the Battle of Bunker Hill in the following year.Once the convention had adopted the resolves, Paul Revere rode a copy to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia who endorsed them. They were a direct influence on the Articles of Association and Declaration of Causes which the Continental Congress issued the following month - effectively uniting the colonies under the directorship of the Convention.

What did the colonies do in 1775?

The important things that the colonists did in 1775:12 of the 13 colonies had a meeting called the First Continental Congress to talk about England's unfair things.Paul Revere rode a horse and warned the colonists that the British were coming.Minutemen fought with British in the battle of Lexington and Concord.The thirteen colonies met again at Philadelphia, this meeting was called the Second Continental Congress. They established the Continental Army, George Washington was a leader.Americans were fighting British in the Battle of Bunker Hill.

What was the Continental congress and lexington and conncord about?

The Continental Congress organized the establishment of a military depot at Concord. Informed by an intelligence, the British commander in America general Thomas Gage ordered a raid to destroy the depot and capture the rebel leaders John John Hancock and Samuel Adams, that led to the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

What was the first central government to be established after the revolutionary war?

Second Continental Congress!

Who was the first commander of the Continental army and led your men to victory and Trenton and Princeton?

George Washington led the Continental army during the battle of Saratoga and the battle of Trenton. George Washingtonled the Continental army during the battle of Saratoga and the battle of Trenton.

Which date was the Continental Army created?

The continental army was formed by the Continental Congress. The appointed George Washington to be overall commander of the forces about to battle the British.

What was the first Continental Army?

the Continental Army's first major victory was at the battle of Saratoga.

Who was involved in the battle of Brandywine?

continental army