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Q: Food made by plants is in the form of?
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What is made by photosynthesis?

food for the plants in the form of glucouse (sugar)and when it is stored it becomes starch in the plants and is often found in the roots of the plants

Food for plants are made here?

the food for plants are made in the cloroplats in the leaves.

What do plants do with the food made by them?

Plants usually use the food made by them to propagate the species.

How plants store much of the food they need?

Plants store much of their food in the form of starch.

What do plants store as food for us?

Plants store the food in the form of starch, glucose and cellulose ...

What is inorganic form of carbon which plants use in making food?

Carbon dioxide is the inorganic form of carbon which plants use for making food.

Starch is the form in which?

plants store their food

How does plants macke their own food?

they use starch from the minerals and water to form glucose. this is the plants food

In what form do plants store food?

they store it in the form of starch.

How is food made in plants?


Which food is made by the plants?


What Food is made by the plants?
