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Q: Food stuck in wisdom teeth stitches?
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You have food stuck in your teeth?

You mean, "Why do you have food stuck in your teeth?" Probably because some foods with small particles of food can get into your teeth.

what to eat after wisdom teeth extractions?

Having had this procedure myself, start with soups, or very soft foods. Avoid crunchy, or chewy foods, even if chewed with your front teeth, you could get pieces lodged in the holes, or even tear stitches (if you got them), not to mention the pain if a piece of hard food gets stuck in them!

How do you take out food from your teeth?

You just have to get a toothpick and stick to the place you got food stuck in your teeth!!

What do you call food particles stuck between teeth?

It is called "victusinterodenta". which means "food between teeth". Ryyah

When can I eat solid foods again I had my wisdom teeth removed about 6 or 7 days ago. I'm feeling perfectly fine. And the only pain I feel is a little soreness.?

You can eat solid foods just a few days after wisdom teeth extraction. 6 days is enough time for the initial healing process. Food might get stuck in the holes where your wisdom teeth were, but you can rinse with water and salt to help clean them.

What is the probable function of your wisdom teeth?

Long ago it was thought that the probable function of your wisdom teeth was to enable the chewing of rough food. However, it would appear that evolution has rendered the wisdom teeth to be pointless and no longer serves a purpose.

Why is your lower wisdom tooth oozing?

They need to be extracted, your jawline does not have enough room for your wisdom teeth and therefore behind your wisdom teeth, food is getting trapped and pus is oozing. Go to the dentist soon.

What can't I eat after having wisdom teeth removed?

You can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed, but you should eat food that aren't crunchy, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and milkshakes.

What is the English of tinga?

food stuck..:> ex.:May tinga ka sa ngipin mo. You've got food stuck between your teeth.. ..get it..:>

What food that gets stuck in your teeth should be avoided on a date?

Probably all of it.

How can you remove food particles stuck between tooth and gum?

One way to remove food particles that are stuck between the teeth and gums is to have the teeth cleaned by a dentist. One can also try using dental floss to remove the particles.

The positves about braces for Teeth?

The main positive outcome of braces on teeth is that the patient will have straight teeth, making it harder for food to get stuck between them. There should be no gaps between teeth.