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You can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed, but you should eat food that aren't crunchy, such as mashed potatoes, pudding, and milkshakes.

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Q: What can't I eat after having wisdom teeth removed?
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How long before you can go travel after wisdom teeth are removed?

I asked my oral surgeon at my appointment on Friday and flew cross country from California to Baltimore two days later on Sunday morning after having all four wisdom teeth removed. The pressure associated with flying doesn't impact your clotting or post surgery wounds and flying provided no additional discomfort.

Can you have 2 wisdom teeth on one side?

Wisdom teeth is the common name for 3rd molars. We are biologically programmed to have three molars in each quadrant. However, Wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are one of the most commonly congenitally missing teeth, the others being lateral incisors and 2nd premolars. Therefore, some of us may have less than 4 wisdom teeth or not at all. If we all had all the wisdom teeth that we are supposed to have then we should have 4 in total (one for each quadrant)

You just had your wisdom teeth pulled and you cant keep any foods or drink down what do you do?

Contact your dentist, if you're throwing up they'll want to know.

Why is there still pieces of tooth in your gums after your wisdom tooth extraction?

i had my number 15 tooth extracted exactly a week ago today, and i still continue to have pain. i can also feel with my tounge, little sharp pieces/shards in the extaction area. i think the are pieces of my tooth still in the gum from when the dentist was gutting the tooth in half. i have even pulled a little pices of the shards out and i think that the shards are making the extraction area not heal well... i cant drink anything cold or i will drop to my knees in severe pain. i am not sure what to do either...

Why do you need to get your wisdom teeth taken out?

In a world where many people may have lost some of their teeth early due to rasslin' wooly mammoths or some such, having a few spare molars grow in after adulthood could be a very useful thing, so your wife didn't have to chew all your food for you.

Is it funner with teeth or no teeth?

teeth your you cant eat is fun to eat lol

What is the average cost of having 4 wisdom teeth pulled if you choose laughing gas?

why dont you have the numbing because i did when i was 5 years old i had the 3 teeth out because they got infected or somthing like that. but if you dont want the numbing its proberly 50-100£ or more. with numbing you dont feel any pain what so ever. but if you have some kind of allergy to the numbing stuff i guess yu cant do that.

Do you have to lose all your teeth to get braces?

Plenty of people go to their graves with teeth in their heads.

Why cant you use your teeth to breathe?

Your teeth are for biting not breathing.

What would the price be for wisdom teeth removal?

Around $1500 regular price. Depending on services. If you go to an oral surgeon without insurance to get your wisdom teeth removed, you will pay anything from $1200-$1500. You usually need to pay half the amount up front and then you can make payments. I suggest you do what I did and go to the local college or university. I had mine extracted at UCLA school of dentistry and I paid only $130 total for all four wisdom teeth. They were professional and I actually had fun! The cost should be the same, with or without dental insurance. In Canada, a wisdom tooth extraction, for a single tooth, can cost up to $350.

I am about 4 months pregnant and my wisdom teeth are very infected its very painful i cant eat or sleep and its causing fevers which is making me very nauseous is it better to get them out now or wait?

Waiting for something like this is never good. You should have them removed. If you are worried about something you should talk to your dentist. Pregnancy will not stand in your way of dental care, it's even more important then.

Can you stop the symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth with out a dentist?

no you cant